Shira Yom Tovs — Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur

Thank you for clicking on the link - it means you want to support us! We ask anyone attending Shira over the High Holy days to pay for their attendance to cover our costs. Our move to the Theodore Herzl Club will ensure that seating will be provided for everyone. 

We're looking forward to having your friendly faces and lovely voices joining us for this special time. 

Attendance Rates:

   Adult: $350

   Student / Child 13+: $100

   Child under 13: $60

Friends of Shira:

   Angel: $5000

   Patron: $2000

   Friend: $1000

We respectfully ask you to consider becoming a Friend of Shira by selecting an option of $1000 or above. Your financial support will bless Shira with the resources it needs to provide an inclusive, egalitarian home for Melbourne's Jewish community.

To purchase admission for your family, please enter a name in the box below, select the desired membership level, and press “Add to cart.” Repeat for each member. To pay, press “Checkout” in the top-right of the window, and then follow PayPal’s instructions. Thanks!

When you go to the checkout, if you find you have items in the 'cart' other than membership (e.g. a lunch), please change the amount to ZERO and then the item will be cleared from the checkout. 

Name (1 at a time):

If you would like to make a donation or membership contribution in an amount not listed above, please click here.

If you'd rather pay via bank transfer, our details are:

Account Name: Shira Hadasha

BSB: 013 445

Account number: 4978 30199

If you opt to do a bank transfer, please don't forget to enter your name. Thanks!