Who's Who - Contact Information
President: Ilana Faivel
Vice President: Ronit Dorshav
Public Officer: Ruth Boltman
Treasurer: Anna McGann
Without Portfolio: Rachel Sacks-Davis
Board Members:
Adiva Sifris, Annette Charak, Dalya Freedman, David Goldman, Penelle Stern, Raphael Dascalu, Rebecca Abeles, Seraphya Berrin and Shachar Berrin.
Shul Matters:
We ask for your help in making us aware of simchas and bereavements in the community, and would be grateful if you could let us know about events in your lives or in the lives of other members, so that we can offer support or share your joy.
If you would like to help organise an event, give a drasha, sponsor a kiddush, celebrate a simcha and/or commemorate a yarzheit, please contact our Administrative Officer on admin@shira.org.au
For all other general inquiries including membership and hospitality, email admin@shira.org.au