Parshat Toldot

Guest Speaker tonight: Please join us at 6.30pm for a lovely Kabbalat Shabbat! We will be hearing from David Landau, former editor-in-chief of Haaretz newspaper, and one of Israel's foremost political commentators and correspondent for the Economist. He will be giving a short address after Kabbalat Shabbat.  Highly engaging - please join us!

Simcha on Shabbat: We are delighted to celebrate the Aufruf (Call Up) of Ronli Sifris and Michael Ross. We wish you both, along with your parents - Michael and Adiva Sifris and Harold and Kitty Ross, a warm Mazal Tov and much naches! The Service begins at 9.30am and the Drash will be given by Shoshana Wolfson, aunt of the bride. To continue the joyous Simcha, the families invite you to a festive lunch following the Service. All welcome! 

Sunday night Shloshim: Aviva Cohen invites you to join her in commemorating the Shloshim of her sister Tobi Cohen z"l. The Shloshim will be held this Sunday night, 27th November, beginning with Mincha at 7.30pm followed by some learning and storytelling and then Ma'ariv. It will be held at Lara and Ari's home, 2/54 Kooyong Rd, entrance on Narrong Rd, Caulfield.

AGM: Wednesday December 7th at Shira, 8pm. Nominations still welcome for Board positions.

Jewish Aid Australia Fun Run/Walk Fundraiser will be on Dec 4th - sponsor Team Shira here! If you don't want to run/walk, you can still contribute to the team and help us to increase our current pledge of $843. Can we double that before the Big Day?

MAZAL TOV: We are thrilled to hear of the birth of Arava Shifra, born to Sarah Lodge Bar- Zeev and Naor Bar Zeev. We wish you every joy with the addition of a daughter to your family.  Mazal Tov to Magdi for your new granddaughter! 

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on November 25, 2011 .