Shabbat: Join us at 6:20pm on Friday for Chanuka candle lighting and singing, led by Ittay Flesher. This will be followed by Kabbalat Shabbat at 6:30pm. Yaron Gottlieb will be running the weekly shiur at 9:15am on Shabbat morning, which will be followed by Shacharit at 9:45am. The Dvar Torah will be given bySeraphya Berrin and a Kiddush will be held after the completion of the Service.
Break: This week , we will hold our final Shabbat services for the year. We will start up again, refreshed and energetic, on Friday night 25 January 2013. We hope you all have a wonderful summer break.
Dinner: We will be holding a Friday night dinner following the conclusion of the Kabbalat Shabbat Service this Friday. Bookings have closed for the dinner, but everyone is welcome to join us for candle lighting and Kabbalat Shabbat.
Mazal Tov: We wish Yaron Gottlieb a mazal tov on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah anniversary. We look forward to hearing him leyn this week.
We wish Bella Zelman a happy 4th Birthday! There will be a specialbirthday party for Bella held in the kids' room on Shabbat morning. All Bella's friends are invited!
Shabbat Shalom