Parshat Mishpatim

Any budding lawyers amongst you will appreciate the complexity of this week's Parshah, that discusses 53 commandments; 23 imperatives  and 30 prohibitions. There are some great commentaries to read about the idea of justice, including laws against mistreatment of foreigners - which could open some pandoras boxes in Israel and Australia today.

Shul starts at 6.30pm tonight, and 9.30am on Shabbat morning. We need some help getting our Minyan started on time so please come have your cup of coffee with us at the start of shul. Our Dvar Torah will be given by Mandi Katz on the topic: "These are the rules, but where are the principles?"

PURIM at SHIRA! - Save the date, Wednesday March 7th for our Megilla reading. Kids entertainment will be from 7.30pm, with megilla reading at 8.30pm. More details on the way soon.

This is your last opportunity to buy tickets for Footnote, showing next Thurs night, 23rd Feb, 7pm at the Classic in Elsternwick. Tickets are $15, contributing to a fundraiser for Jewish Aid Australia. To book, please transfer $15 per ticket to Shira's account (Account name: Shira Hadasha, BSB: 013 445, Account Number: 4978 30199, and write Footnote and your name) or use PayPal on our website. Footnote Plot: revolves around a power struggle between a father and his son who both teach at the Talmud department of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 

Do you have a life cycle event you'd like to celebrate or commemorate with Shira? Would you like to sponsor a Kiddush or reminisce with your Bar/Batmitzvah Haftorah? Please be in touch and book it in.

Posted on February 16, 2012 .