Parshat Ki Tisa

We hope you can join us to hear the story of the Ten Commandments and their tumultuous arrival at Mt Sinai this Shabbat. Moshe was startled by the Golden Calf — but did he ever stop to consider that maybe the Jews were just doing some stretching after all that desert wandering? Check out 'Cow Pose' — remarkably similiar to idol worship, don't you think?

Hooray to everyone who joined us on Purim and helped make it such a fun and special evening. Special thanks to our leyners, our comedians and our musicians, we really appreciate your input!

Please join us tonight at 6.30pm for a fun Kabbalat Shabbat and then at 9.30am for Shabbat morning Services. The Dvar Torah will be given by the recently returned Joel Lazar — we are thrilled to have you back with us! Kiddush will follow after shul.

Mazal Tov to Janette and Morry Dvash on the engagement of their daughter Romy to Josh Onas! We wish the happy couple all the best!

Panel Discussion: Jewish Aid Australia and Bnei Brith ADC are hosting "Is everyone a little bit racist" on March 25th. See website for details.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on March 9, 2012 .