Parshat Tazria-Metzora

Please join us tonight at 6pm for a special event - it's not quite 'Glee', maybe more like 'Shira's got Talent', in the form of a group of women who are co-leading Kabbalat Shabbat and trying out their new harmonies together. It has been a big week, with Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha'atzmaut, and we'll be doing some different tunes to honour these occasions.

On Shabbat we start at 9.30am and encourage you to be on time to get the most out of your shul experience! The Dvar Torah will be given by Sara Kowal, who is speaking on the topic "Mikvah: Why Seven is the New Twelve - Halachic Infertility". The Kiddush is being sponsored by Yaakov and Marion Gorr in honour of celebrating their 15th year of marriage, and Yaakov's parents each commencing their 80th year. Yaakov will be reciting the Haftorah to mark the occasion.

NEXT WEEK - PLEASE BOOK NOW! May 4th Dinner for Young Adults:

This event is for Under 35's who are interested in energetic singing, a tasty meal, and critical thinking company. Ellyse Borghi will be speaking on the topic:

'Dayan(not) - options for orthodox female leadership'.

Ellyse has spent the past few years studying 'women in Judaism and the law' in universities and batei midrash, as well as interning at the Centre for Women's Justice for Get (divorce) Abuse Cases in Jerusalem. Cost: $15. Payment will be arranged through the Shira website. Please book via paypal here.  Please spread the word, this will certainly be an engaging evening - bookings will close by next Wednesday.

Tikkun Leil Shavuot - May 26th 

Theme: The Cutting Edge: Contemporary Issues and Solutions in Halacha and Society

6pm Maariv

6.30pm Dinner

8-12: Dynamic speakers and a panel discussion, including presentations by Paul Forgasz, Yvonne Fein, Adiva Sifris, Steven Prawer, Mandi Katz and many more. 

All are welcome to hear our speakers, and we're hosting dinner beforehand so you don't need to rush home from shul and then back again. Bookings are required for the dinner: Adults $30, Kids/Conc $15. Please book via our website:

Posted on April 26, 2012 .