We are thrilled to be hosting our under 35's dinner tonight, and welcome back our new female ensemble to the Bimah for Kabbalat Shabbat, which is going to be fantastic. Join us with your family for a 6pm Tefilla which should leave you invigorated for the whole weekend.
On Shabbat morning we start at 9.30am and early birds will enjoy apple cinnamon cake and honey joys with hot cups of tea and coffee, so please try to be punctual. The Dvar Torah this week will be given by Simon Lipschitz. We are also honouring Orly Strum with an Aliya on the occasion of her 1 year Batmitzvah anniversary - Mazal Tov to you Orly and to your family, it is great to have you with us.
Our May 26th Shavuot Dinner and Tikkun Leil Night of Learning is filling up fast - book your dinner spots now at www.shira.org.au/shavuot. Adults $30, concession $15. The theme for the evening is:
"The Cutting Edge - Contemporary Issues and Solutions in Halacha and Society."
Lastly, we are sad to announce the passing of Mr Eliezer (Leo) Frydman z''l. We wish the Perlow and Frydman families a long and healthy life.
Shabbat Shalom