Shabbat: This week’s Shabbat services will be held at our regular location (222, Balaclava Rd, Caulfield). We will bring in Shabbat with a rousing Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm. Shabbat morning will commence at 9:15am with our weekly Shiur given by Yaron Gottlieb and will be followed by Shacharit at 9:45am. Make sure you come to shule on Shabbat to meet our chazanim, Adam Ross and Yonina Fleischmann. This week, Yonina will be giving the Dvar Torah and there will be plenty of time at the Kiddush to chat with both Yonina and Adam.
Rosh Hashana: Rosh Hashana commences on Sunday night (16th September). We will once again be celebrating Rosh Hashanah at the Caulfield Park Bowls Club. We will be holding Ma’ariv services on both nights, as well as daytime services on Monday and Tuesday (17–18th September). We are privileged to be hearing a Dvar Torah given by the Hon. Michael Sifris on the first day of Rosh Hashana and from Yvonne Fein on the second day of Rosh Hashana.
Times for Rosh Hashana:
Rosh Hashana nights: 6pm
Rosh Hashana Days:
Shacharit: 8:15am
Drasha: 11am
Shofar: 11:30am
Mussaf Repetition: 11:50am
Finish: 1:30pm
Rosh Hashana for Kids: We will be running programs for tots (ages 1-5), kids (ages 6-12) and teens on both days of Rosh Hashana.
Unstructured play: 10-11:15am
Rosh Hashana party and story time: 11:15-11:45am
Snack time: 11:45am
Free play: 10–11:15am
Kids' club program: 11:45am
CSI (Critical Shira Issues): 11am
Membership: We look forward to spending a meaningful and uplifting Rosh Hashana together! If you have not yet taken out membership, please do so by visiting Shira’s website. If you have any queries, you can contact Ari via email or Lindy. We appreciate your commitment to Shira and anticipate a wonderful New Year.
Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova