We are looking forward to an awe-inspiring Yom Kippur this Tuesday night and Wednesday at the Caulfield Park Bowls Club. The Divrei Torah will be given by: Mark Baker following Kol Nidrei, Ittay Flescher preceding the Yizkor service and Lionel Lubitz in the lead up to Ne’ilah.
Yom Kippur times:
Candle lighting: 6:01pm
Kol Nidrei 6:15pm (doors open 6:00)
Shacharit: 9:15am
Yizkor and Drasha: 12:00pm
Mussaf: 12:30–2:30 pm
Mincha: 4:15 pm
Ne'ilah: 5:30 pm
Maariv: 7:00 pm
Yom Kippur for Kids: There will be child minders present during the Kol Nidrei Service and from midday onwards on Yom Kippur day. In addition to this, we will be running programs for tots (ages 1–5) and kids (ages 6–12) during Yom Kippur. The schedule for these programs can be found below.
10–11:15 am free play
11:15–11:45 am mat session
11:45 am fruit and snack time
10–11:15 am free play
12:00pm Kids' club program
Membership: If you have not yet taken out membership, please do so by visiting Shira’s website. If you have any queries, you can contact Ari via email or Lindy. We appreciate your commitment to Shira.
Yom Kippur Appeal: This year, Shira is raising money for two causes: the children's ward of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Malawi and Shoulder-to-Shoulder in Israel. You can learn more about the causes and donate by visiting the Shira website.
Gmar Chatima Tova!