Parshat Vayera

In parshat Vayera, Sarah and Avraham are told that they will become parents in their ripe old age. Sarah laughs upon hearing the news, and for this, her son is named 'Yitzchak - he will laugh'. 

Another set of new parents who are certainly laughing with joy at the moment are Galit and Dean, who are celebrating the naming of their new daughter in shul on Shabbat. May your lives be filled with joy and may your beautiful little girl keep you laughing until your ripe old age as well! Mazal Tov. Dean and Galit are sponsoring this week's kiddush.

Kabbalat Shabbat starts at 6.30pm, and we are delighted to be hosting the participants of the Muslim Leadership Program for the tefillah and for dinner. Registrations for dinner have now closed, but all are welcome to meet and shmooze before Kabbalat Shabbat.

On Shabbat we have our regular shiur at 9.15am, followed by shacharit, and the Simchat Bat. 

Mitzvah Day: On November 17th at 10am, Shira will be participating in Mitzvah day where the whole community participates in various volunteer works. Shira have nominated to help a wonderful organisation called St Kilda Mums in a working bee to tidy up their warehouse at 5 Vale St, St Kilda to sort out donations of baby goods that can be recycled to those in need. We can only take 20 volunteers, so please RSVP to this email or on facebook to confirm your spot.

Tribute Art Exhibition: All are invited to celebrate the life and art of ZsuZsi Hartman z'l on 27th Oct, 7pm. Natalie Krasnostein has compiled an exhibition of her mother's works spanning 40 years. Please click here for details for this lovely event.

Wishing everyone a Shabbat Shalom!


Posted on October 17, 2013 .