"Enough with this broygus" cries Joseph as he reveals himself to his brothers in Egypt. "I haven't been to shabbat dinner in 22 years, not since you threw me in to that pit. Let's head out to the summer house in Goshen for a big family reunion". - a snippet of this week's parsha!
Please join us at 6.30pm for kabbalat Shabbat and then on Shabbat morning at 9.15am for a shiur followed by shacharit. We are having a Q & A session with John Safran being interviewed by Sara Kowal about his recent book "Murder in Mississippi" over a light kiddush-lunch. If you would like to purchase a signed copy of the book, please reply to this email to let me know. Otherwise copies may be purchased here. We would appreciate contributions of $10 a head towards our kiddush costs - thank you in advance to those who do so here.
Next Friday on Fri Dec 13th we will be having a Leonard Cohen themed kabbalat shabbat - bring your instruments and your funky musician hats as well.
Mazal Tov to our gabbai Seraphya Berrin on becoming an Australian citizen!
Shabbat Shalom!