Mazal tov: We wish mazal tov to Galit and Dean on their aufruf. We look forward to celebrating the occasion during Shabbat.
Shabbat: Join us at 6:30pm as we bring in Shabbat with a festive Kabbalat Shabbat. Shabbat morning will commence at 9:15am with Yaron Gottlieb’s weekly parsha Shiur, followed by Shacharit at 9:45am. The Dvar Torah will be given by Dean Ogden. The Ogden and Hasen families invite the congregation to aKiddush following the Service.
Purim: Purim falls straight after Shabbat ends on Saturday night. Shira will be hosting Megilla reading at 9:20pm. Please try to be on time. Our Purim day celebrations will start with a tots event at 10:30am, followed by a special puppet-aided Megilla reading and communal Seuda. Entertainment during the Seuda will include Emily Lubitz performing Dumb Ways to Die! Those attending are invited to make a donation to help cover costs. You can do so via our website.
Times for Purim are as follows:
Saturday, February 23: 9:20pm — Megilla reading
Sunday, February 24:
10:30am — Tots event including arts and crafts, a puppet show and mishloach manot
11:30am — Megilla reading by Mark Symons, accompanied by a puppet re-enactment
12:15pm — Communal Seuda with entertainment for both adults and children
AGM: Shira’s AGM will be held on at 8pm on the 4th March at 222 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield. Financial members may nominate for positions by emailing the Secretary.
Twitter: Shira has a new Twitter account @shiramelbourne #pleasefollowus.
Shabbat Shalom