Shabbat: Join us at 6:30pm as we bring in Shabbat with an inspiring Kaballat Shabbat. Shabbat morning will commence at 9:15am with Yaron Gottlieb’s weekly parsha Shiur, followed by Shacharit at 9:45am. The Dvar Torah will be given by Ittay Flescher. A kiddush will follow the Service.
Pre-Pesach Dinner: Shira will be holding a dinner for the entire community. In the Pesach tradition, we will be entertained throughout the evening by storytelling by members of the community. The evening will be in the style of the Moth.
What: A delicious vegetarian meal, accompanied by even more delicious stories.
When: 22nd March following Kaballat Shabbat.
Where: 222 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield.
Cost: $25 for students and $40 for adults. Children under the age of 13 are free. Please book via our website.
Board Portfolios: It was decided that the board should be comprised of specific portfolios. Members are invited to nominate themselves for one of the following portfolios if the area is interesting to them and if they are willing to spend several hours a month on making things happen more efficiently. The portfolios available are: Education, Simcha, Halakha, Pastoral Care, Shul Events, Kiddush, Membership and Tikkun Olam. The deadline for nomination is Friday 14 March. Financial members may nominate for positions by emailing the Secretary.
Sale of Chametz: Seraphya will be selling chametz on behalf of the community. If you would like him to sell your chametz, please complete this form before 9am on Monday 25 March.
Shabbat Shalom