Parshat Tazria-Metzora / Yom Hazikaron-Yom Ha'atzmaut

This week ushers in the mixed emotions of Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha'atzmaut, remembering fallen soldiers and then celebrating the birth of Israel as a State. To recognise these events, we are having a very special Shabbat. Tonight we will be doing Kabbalat Shabbat to the tunes of well known Israeli songs, staring at the new time of 6pm due to daylight savings. 

On Shabbat morning we will be starting at 9.15am with our regular Shiur, and then shul at 9.45am. The Drasha will be given by Chooch Takac on the topic"Poems of loss and land". We wish a hearty Mazal Tov to Osher Gutnick on the anniversary of his Barmitzvah, and we thank him for sponsoring our festive Israeli style Kiddush, filled with falafel and hummus. Following that, we will be sharing our favourite Israeli quotes, poems and stories, including 'only in Israel' moments. Please bring along something to share, or feel free to just come and listen.

Guest Speaker: Next Shabbat we welcome Gávi Ansara to speak after our Kiddush on the topic  "Building inclusive Torah communities: Welcoming LGBTI Jews into Halachic Partnership". Gávi recently returned to Australia, where he is  working in national LGBTI health policy while completing his PhD in Psychology. He and his husband Sruli, as practising Orthodox Jews, are dedicated to realising the dream of Torah communities that embrace the dignity and value of all people.

Condolence: We wish a long life to Russel Jaffe and his family on the loss of his mother Audrey Jaffe, z'l. Wishing you only simchas from here on.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on April 11, 2013 .