High Holidays at Shira

The Shira community warmly welcomes you to join us for the Chagim. If you've been with us before, you'll know that Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are true highlights of the year at Shira. If you're new to our community, we can't wait to have you with us!

By popular demand, we're bringing back the wonderful husband-wife duo, Avram Mlotek and Yael Kornfield! They'll be leading our Carlebach-inspired services, just as they did so beautifully in 2011. They will also be holding a concert in Yiddish while they are here - more details on that soon.

There are some exciting changes at Shira this year. We will hold our davening at our year-round premises, theTheodore Herzl Club, rather than the bowls club. This will afford us lots more space, so that we can have ample seats for all. Up on the secured rooftop we will have a marquee available for the children's services, and a place for you to go and relax during breaks.

It is time to renew your membership at Shira for the coming year. 

By renewing your membership, you are supporting the only inclusive Orthodox minyan in Melbourne where both women and men are active participants and song permeates the service. Your generosity is what makes our shul work. Donations to Shira are greatly needed and tremendously appreciated.

Please click here to renew your membership online.

Thanks very much!


Posted on July 28, 2013 .