Shana Tova! Rosh Hashana was such a special experience at shule, thank you to all who contributed and attended.
We really look forward to seeing you on Yom Kippur for an inspiring and soulful service, together with our wonderful Chazzanim from New York, Avram Mlotek and Yael Kornfeld.
Shira's doors are always open, and all are invited to daven with us. Services will continue to be at THC, 222 Balaclava Road.
Yom Kippur times are:
3 October Friday:
Kol Nidrei: Doors open 6.00pm, for a 6.30pm start. Fast begins at 6.06pm
4 October Shabbat:
Shacharit: 8.15am
Yizkor and Drasha (approximately) 11.30am but please come earlier to avoid missing it
Mincha: 4.00pm
Neilah: 5.15pm
Please renew your membership here if you have not yet done so.
Join us for a very special Sukkot on Friday 10 October after shule (12 approx) at the Tamir's beautiful sukkah at 14 Airdrie Road, Caulfield. Thank you to Lindy and Eddie Tamir who are kindly sponsoring a light lunch in the Sukkah. We are excited to hear a presentation by educator Ilan Bloch on "Finding meaning in the Fruit & Veg Aisle: How might we find meaning as individuals and a community during the Sabbatical year (Shmittah)." Join our FB events group for updates.
Wishing you a Gmar V'Chatima Tova and a wonderful year ahead.
Shira Melbourne