Parshat Chayei Sara

In this week's Parasha, we hear of love (Isaac and Rebecca) and loss (death of Sarah, and of Avraham). 

Come and join us for a moving Shabbat together - our musical Kabbalat Shabbat commences 6.30pm (mincha at 6.15pm).  

Shacharit commences 9.45am, and the Dvar Torah this week will be given by the always dynamic duo Carmella Rose and Ittay Flescher  A light Kiddush will follow the service and all are welcome.

You are invited to "Modern Jewish Thinkers: Shira Seudah Shlishit series" Shira is thrilled to host a series of three seudah shlishits as follows:

(1) 22 November at 4.15pm: Martin Buber's secular religiosity, presented by Ittay Flescher.  (Parents are welcome to bring their children, as we will have Klara assisting in minding the children.)  Address: 11 Fitzgibbon Cres, Caulfield North 

(2) 6 December at 6pm: Yemima Avital: A Woman as a Modern Hasidic Master presented by Dr Melanie Landau. Address: 14 Airdrie Road, Caulfield North 

(3) 13 December at 6.30pm: The Lonely Prophet: Glimpses into the World of Rav Kook presented by Raphael Dascalu. Address: 6/310 Alma Road, Caulfield North.  

Please "like" our facebook page for more information about all Shira-related events.

Important AGM Update: By now you will have received notice that our AGM is taking place at 8pm on Sunday 7 December at THC. In addition, all are invited to a community Q&A with Dr Melanie Landau, which will take place at 7pm immediately prior to the AGM.

Do you have, or know of, a child turning bar/batmitzvah in 2015/16?  Please email to register your interest in our unique and inspiring Bnei Mitzvah program 2015.  

Mitzvah Day is approaching on Sunday 16 November, and Shira is encouraging all members to be involved with Jewish Care's activities at Montefiore Homes running from 10.30-2.00pm, plenty of fun for adults and children. Check out all the happenings here

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on November 14, 2014 .