In Parshat Vayera, Sarah and Avraham are told that they will become parents in their ripe old age. Sarah laughs upon hearing the news, and for this, her son is named 'Yitzchak — he will laugh'.
Come join us for a joyous Shabbat together — our musical Kabbalat Shabbat commences 6.30pm (mincha at 6.15pm).
Shacharit commences 9.45am, and the Dvar Torah this week will be given by Shaynee Barnett. The Kiddush this week is kindly sponsored by Ashley Browne and Mandi Katz, all are very welcome! If you would like to sponsor a kiddush to celebrate or commemorate a special occasion, please email
Shira Seudah Shlishit series - save the dates! Shira is thrilled to host a series of three seudah shlishits on 22 November (learning with Ittay Flescher); 29 November(learning with Raf Dascalu) and 6 December (learning with Dr Melanie Landau). Stay tuned, more details to follow!
Do you have, or know of, a child turning bar/batmitzvah in 2015/16? Please email to register your interest in our unique and inspiring Bnei Mitzvah program 2015.
In other Community News....
Mitzvah Day is approaching on Sunday 16 November, and Shira is encouraging all members to be involved with Jewish Care's activities at Montefiore Homes running from 10.30-2.00pm, plenty of fun for adults and children. Check out all the happenings here.
Limmud Fest is a weekend long community wide conference and festival celebrating Jewish learning and creativity, this year held over 28-30 November in Central Coast, NSW. For more information and to purchase tickets (bookings close 24 November) please click here.
Pardes Jerusalem is recruiting for students to attend their Southern Hemisphere Summer Program in Jerusalem, commencing 1 December. For more details see here.
Glow Project events is putting on a concert called "Life is Beautiful" starring Brett Kaye and other artists at the Astor Theatre on 2 December. Tickets are $40, and Shira receives $10 for each ticket sold. To purchase tickets, please email