Parshat Miketz

This week, we read more of Joseph's dreams, this time he dreams of famine and plenty, and Pharoah appoints him governor of Egypt for his prophetic dreams.

Shabbat - 9.45am

Mazel tov! We are absolutely thrilled to celebrate the batmitzvah of Rebecca Herz this Shabbat, it has been absolutely delightful to be a part of Rebecca's journey, she has been an integral part of Shira for many, many years, and we wish her and her parents Annette Charak and Alain Herz, siblings Klara and Samuel, and the entire extended family only blessings and nachas.  The Dvar Torah will be given by Annette, and Annette and Alain are kindly sponsoring the Kiddush. All are welcome.

Kabbalat Shabbat & Chanukah

This Friday 19 December at 5.30pm - Shira Kid's Hanukkah party!  Bring your children along for an evening of games, arts and crafts, mac and cheese dinner, and of course, yummy doughnuts.  BYO art smock. 

The entire community is then warmly welcome at a musical menorah lighting and doughnuts at 6.20pm, followed by Kabbalat Shabbat at 6.30pm.  Raf Dascalu will also be giving us an inspiring Dvar Torah.  Services conclude after Maariv at 7.30pm.

Summer dates

Shira will be closing over the summer holidays, and will re-open on Friday night 23 January.  We look forward to an inspiring and soulful 2015 together. Keep an eye out on our Facebook page and your email for special events over the summertime.


At Shira, we really value your feedback.  So much so, that we are conducting a very short survey, which we hope will help us better understand the needs of our community and help us plan for the future.

The survey takes only 5 minutes to complete and you can be anonymous if you prefer. To take the survey please click here.

Many thanks to Pebby and Max Wald who have purchased a stunning Torah cover depicting the Tree of Life for the Shira Torah which was donated by the Prawers.  

Finally, we have been heartened by the #illridewithyou campaign which resonates with our community's refusal to demonise people and are grateful for a moment of light in a dark week, befitting Channukah. We look forward to seeing you all very soon.

Shabbat Shalom and Happy Channukah

Posted on December 18, 2014 .