Shabbat Chol Hamoed & Pesach at Shira

We hope your seders were liberating and joyful and you are still enjoying your matzah!

This Shabbat we read the beautiful Shir HaShirim (Song of Songs), please join us for an intimate rendition of this classic text.  We also read the haunting story of the Valley of the Dry Bones from Ezekial in this week's Haftarah.  We look forward to seeing you at 9.15am this Shabbat (please note this week's earlier time to allow for the additional reading).  Kabbalat Shabbat is on at 6pm this week.

Pesach times are otherwise as follows:

21 April (Day 7): 9.30am, Dvar Torah by Merav Carmeli; and 22 April (Day 8): 9.30am, Yizkor is approximately 11.3oam.

Save the date!  On 3 May, we will have a very special Shabbat Kiddush panel in honour of Yom Ha'atzmaut - details to follow.

Chag Sameach & Shabbat Shalom!

Posted on April 17, 2014 .