This Shabbat, we welcome you all to our lovely Kabbalat Shabbat service at 6pm. Shabbat morning Shacharit commences 9.45am sharp, with a Dvar Torah given by Dr Gary Freed (of recent 3AW radio fame!) It's a Parsha full of rich imagery with the twelve spies sent to Caanan, giant grapes and the decree to wander in the desert for 40 years. Please also join us for our Kiddush after shule.
(Please note the 9.15am shiur is cancelled until further notice)
Welcome to a beautiful baby girl, Timna, to Lani and Ben Fisher. Mazel tov to you and your families, wishing you only nachas, blessings and happiness.
Mazeltov to Sarah Meyer and Ari Brochin on their upcoming wedding in New York, wishing you and your families mazeltov and many blessings on this wonderful occasion.
Adiva and Michael Sifris will be having a shloshim service at their house in memory of Adiva's late mother, Minnie Wacks z'l. The shloshim will be at 10 Airdrie Road on 22 June at 5.00pm. We wish the entire family a long and healthy life.
Shule updates and information
As part of our planning for the future flourishing of the shule, Shira is in ongoing discussions with Dr Melanie Landau to take on a leadership position in our community starting in mid 2015. We expect to be able to update you in September before Rosh Hashana. This is something we look forward to and provides a great opportunity for growth in our community.
In response to feedback requesting expanded learning opportunities for the community, we will be appointing Raf Dascalu as our Education Director beginning this August. Raf is returning to Australia from the University of Chicago where he has been completing a PhD in Jewish Philosophy for the last five years. He has a great deal of experience in both formal and informal settings and is looking forward to hearing your suggestions about how he can best facilitate the next step on your Jewish journey.
Shabbat Shalom!