This week, we read the beautiful and narrative-rich Parsha, recounting the deaths of Miriam and Aaron, and the (in)famous story where Moses strikes a rock to provide water, rather than speaking to it as commanded. Moses and Aaron are told they will die in the desert, and not enter the Land.
Come and warm up this winter at Shira with a musical Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm. Shacharit commences 9.45am. Thanks to Ari Perlow who will be giving over the Dvar Torah this week. As always, a Kiddush will follow and everyone is warmly invited.
If you wish to sponsor a Kiddush to celebrate an important event, or to commemorate a yarzheit, or just because, then please contact Ilana by replying to this email.
Seudah Shlishit - this Shabbat 28 June!
We are excited to reinstate a monthly Seudah Shlishit, with good company, discussion and song.
Alex Fein and Yaron Gottleib are kindly hosting the inaugural Seudah Shlishit at their home at 28 Normanby AVENUE (not road!) this Shabbat 28 June at 4.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there.