Parshat Matot

Warm yourself up at our melodious Kabbalat Shabbat services at 6pm.  Shacharit commences at 9.45am.  This week we are delighted to welcome baby Noa, her parents Alex Fein and Rabbi Yaron Gottleib and sisterYael, together with grandparents and extended family at a Simchat Batfor Noa. Yaron will deliver the Dvar Torah, and Alex and Yaron have also kindly sponsored the Kiddush - all are welcome.  We wish the entire family much joy and nachas from their precious Noa.

Tisha Be'av is approaching:  Maariv commences 6pm on Monday 4 August, followed by reading of Megillat Eicha at 6.15pm.  There will be an event following the reading. Location and further details to follow.

Looking to borrow: Does anyone have (or know of) any available accommodation for our international chazzanim over the Chagim this year? We are also looking to source a car and child car seat.  We are also looking to borrow a projector for an upcoming event. Please reply to Ilana at this address with any leads.

Our Kiddushim are a great opportunity to come together as a community and to commemorate or celebrate a special occasion, or just because! If you wish to sponsor a Kiddush, then please reply to Ilana at this address.

Finally, the Shira community acknowledges the yarzheit anniversary of one of our founding members, dear friend and teacher, Debbie Masel z'l, who was a radiant light to us all, and continues to be missed dearly.

Wishing all a Shabbat Shalom

Posted on July 18, 2014 .