Parshat Balak

In this week's Parsha, we encounter our first (and probably only?!) talking donkey in the Torah.  When Balak, King of Moab, sends his prophet Balaam out to curse the Israelites, his donkey tells him off, and instead, Balaam blesses the Israelites.

Kabbalat Shabbat is on at 6pm, please help us welcome in Shabbat with beautiful song. Shacharit commences 9.45am sharp, and we look forward to Rabbi Gabbi Sar Shalom's Dvar Torah this week.  A Kiddush will follow and all are welcome.

Although it's school holidays, our children's programs are still running.  Please bring your 0-6 children to our tot's program at 10.45am.  Our program for 7-12 year olds is still running, and will commence at 11am, led by the fabulous Samuel Herz.

Mazel tov!

A mazel tov to Alex Fein and to Rabbi Yaron Gottleib and Yael on the birth of their precious daughter, and sister, Noa.  We wish the entire family much nachas and only blessings and joy, at this special time.

Mazel tov to Klara Herz on her batmitzvah anniversary, and we look forward to hearing Klara read the haftarah in honour of this occasion.  


With sadness, we advise the passing of Mark Zandle z'l, husband to Norma, father and father in law to Mandi and Stephen Shochet; Frankie and Steven Pinch; and Ruth and Henry Sharp.  We wish the entire family comfort and a long and healthy life.

The Shira community mourns the tragic murder of the three young students, Eyal, Gilad and Naftali in Israel. We pray for peace and take inspiration from the words of Naftali's uncle: "There is no difference between (Arab) blood and (Jewish) blood. Murder is murder."

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on July 4, 2014 .