Membership! Thank you again to all those who have supported us with your membership - you are our reason for being! To those who have yet to take up membership, we appreciate your crucial support in helping make Shira the colourful and soulful Shule we know and love. Please click here to take out membership today!
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We "officially" welcome our new Education Director, Raf Dascalu this week.
Raphael Dascalu is a native of Sydney, and recently returned to Australia with his partner Dalit Kaplan and baby Ezra, from a long period of study overseas, including at Yeshivat Ein Tzurim, Hebrew University, Pardes (Kolel) and the Sholem Hartman Institute. He is currently working on his PhD at the University of Chicago, focusing on medieval Jewish history and philosophy. At the University of Chicago, Raphael focused intensively on the study of Arabic language and literature, and Islamic philosophy and mysticism.
Over a Kiddush, we will meet Raf and he will have an opportunity to hear all your thoughts and suggestions for facilitating your Jewish journey with Shira!
Raf will also give a (Elul themed) talk after Kiddush on the following, "Suffering is great!” Introducing Rabbi Akiva’s theory of transformative suffering. We invite you all to come along to our Kiddush & talk.
Hope to see you welcoming in Shabbat at Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm. Shacharit commences 9.45am.