Parshat Vayikra — The Potentials of Interfaith Dialogue

It was lovely to see so many new and familiar faces at the Shira stall during the 'In One Voice' street festival (Pictured above) and we hope to see you for a l'chaim on Friday night.

Kabbalat Shabbat - Friday 6.30pm
Shabbat Shacharit - Saturday 9.45am

On Shabbat morning come to Shira to explore the potentials of interfaith dialogue. We will hear presentations by interfaith participants – including our very own Alex Kats who will present the Dvar Torah! The kiddush will be followed by a lively and engaging discussion. Check out the facebook event here.

Minyan Roster

To help ensure a minyan promptly on Kabbalat Shabbat and Shabbat morning, we ask members to commit to attending punctually once a month (more would be great). Please click onto the link for the relevant minyan to register your commitment to attend next week:

Kabbalat Shabbat 20 March, 6.30pm 
Shabbat Shacharit 21 March, 9.45am

Cholent Roster

If you are missing your Cholent, there is no need to fear. Cholent is back at Shira! If you wish to make a pot of delicious Cholent, please click here for step by step instructions. 

Community Announcements

Gift of Life Australia is holding a testing session between Purim and Pesach, the first for 2015 ! They are urgently searching for life saving blood stem cell matches for Jewish Leukaemia patients in desperate need. If you are healthy, 18-45 years of age, 50+kg, neither pregnant nor feeding and willing to help save a life then head to the Caulfield Blood Donor Centre from 4.30-7pm on Tuesday 24 March.

Appointments are essential.

Shula 0414 780 444 or

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on March 19, 2015 .