Now that we are fully into winter, Kabbalat Shabbat will be starting earlier. We will be having an end of the week l'chaim tonight at 5.15pm followed by another spiritual and tuneful Kabbalat Shabbat.
Kabbalat Shabbat - Friday 5.30pm (Please Note New Time)
Shabbat Shacharit - Saturday 9.45am
On Shabbat morning, the kiddush will be followed by the panel discussion, 'Moving Forward After the Royal Commission'.
We wish you a Shabbat Shalom and remind everyone to exercise caution and report any suspicious behaviour. There is a lot of concern about an increased security risk for Jewish organisations. You may have seen this bulletin issued by CSG. We are looking for volunteers to join Shira's security roster. If you are interested, please reply to this email.
You may have noticed that many of our chumashim are quite worn from use, which in lots of ways, is a good news story. Penelle Stern is repairing the chumashim – thank you Penelle! We have also purchased additional chumashim. If you wish to mark a birthday, life event or just make a donation to the value of a chumash ($50 per book) or a number of chumashim, we can acknowledge that in the chumash and it’s a lovely way to support the shule. Please send a note by return to this email if you wish to donate one or more chumashim.
Upcoming Events
Weekly Zohar Shiur
The wise Nathan Wolski is running a Zohar shiur every Wednesday 8-9.30pm.
Where: 15a Alston Grove, East St Kilda
Come along to learn about the wonders of Jewish mystical thought!
This Shabbat, 27 June, the community is invited to a panel titled, 'Moving Forward After the Royal Commission'.
Our community has been deeply affected by the recent Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse. Join us to reflect on the significance of these events, what we can learn from them, and how we can make our community a safer place for our children in the future. The speakers Danny Ben-Moshe, Rabbi Genende and Rinat Kedem will bring unique perspectives to the discussion which will be moderated by Annette Charak.
For more information about the event and panellists: Click Here
Shira Rosters
Cholent Roster
We love cholent at Shira! If you wish to make a pot of delicious cholent, please click here for step by step instructions and to put your name on the roster.
Community Announcements
Hollywood and Hitler
ACJC Public Lecture: Professor Thomas Doherty
Monday 29 June, 7.30pm at Monash University (Caulfield Campus)
Between 1933 and 1939, representations of the Nazis and the full meaning of Nazism came slowly to Hollywood, growing more ominous and distinct only as the decade wore on. This lecture will recount how the disproportionately Jewish backgrounds of the executives of the studios and the workers on the payroll shaded reactions to what was never simply a business decision. As Europe hurtled toward war, a proxy battle waged in Hollywood over how to conduct business with the Nazis, how to cover Hitler and his victims in the newsreels, and whether to address or ignore Nazism in Hollywood feature films. Should Hollywood lie low, or stand tall and sound the alarm?
Admission is free so no prior bookings are needed.