Parshat Chukat

This week's Parsha is the stuff of Hollywood films, with the dramatic scene of Moshe hitting the rock, the deaths of Miriam and Aharon, and the finale where the Jews are attacked by venomous snakes, only to be healed by gazing upon a big brass snake on a pole - the  symbol for modern medicine. We are thrilled to have a distinguished guest offer us some interpretations of the complex storyline. Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo is in town for Yom Limmud this Sunday and will be joining us to give this week's Dvar Torah.

Kabbalat Shabbat is at 6pm on Friday, and the shiur on Shabbat is at9.15am followed by Shacharit at 9.45am. The Dvar Torah will be given just before Mussaf. Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo is a prominent lecturer, thinker and author who is world renowned for his original insights into Judaism and his ability to communicate the relevance of Jewish values and practice in today’s complicated world. Please join us in welcoming him.

Our Kiddush is being sponsored by Bill Klinger, to commemorate the 42nd yahrtzeit of his late father, Moishe Klinger z’’l. He invites the community to share the Kiddush and a Le'chayim in his father's memory.

Condolence: We wish a long and healthy life to John Zeleznikow and family on the loss of his father, Avram Zeleznikow. Wishing you only Simchas from here on.

Salad Roster: We are in need of more volunteers to help us make our salads on Shabbat. Shira will pay for the ingredients, we just need you to volunteer to bring the ingredients and prepare it in our kitchen. Please reply to this email if you can help out. 

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on June 13, 2013 .