In this week's Parshah, Balaam the prophet is summoned to curse the Jews, and on each of his three attempts, blessing flow from his mouth instead. If only our politicians had the same verbal affliction, perhaps our news headlines would be a lot more palatable!
Please join us at 6pm on Friday night for a lovely Kabbalat Shabbat, and at 9.15am for a shiur on shabbat, followed by Shacharit at9.45am. This week's Drasha will be given by Felicity Johns in honour of her birthday! We wish you a wonderful year ahead.
Next Shabbat, on June 29th, we will be having a Kiddush-lunch and a talk by Ellyse Borghi on the topic:
"Making Women Count; the halachot of minyan"
Ellyse Borghi and Adam Hyman have just announced their engagement this week and we wish them a warm Mazal Tov. Please join us for the talk and Kiddush so we can raise a le'chayim or a soda water in their honour.
Free Film Tickets: Following sell out sessions at the 2012 Jewish International Film Festival, God's Neighbours - a raw and provocative drama-cum-thriller is screening exclusively at Classic Cinemas. We have been given a double pass to give away to a Shira member. The first person to wish me (Carm Rose) good shabbes this week at shul gets the tickets!!
Gift of Life Australia: An urgent testing session is taking place on Tuesday 30 July from 4-7.30pm to save the lives of 4 dying Leukaemia patients from our community. Gift of Life Australia request for 18-45 year olds in good health to be tested with a small blood sample. Testing location is Red Cross Blood Donor Centre in Caulfield, 322 Hawthorn Road. Appointments essential, call Yehuda on 0425 724 314 or
Shabbat Shalom