Parshat Devarim


Please join us on Friday night for Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm, and forShabbat morning shiur and Tefilla from 9.15am.  It is Parshat Devarim, where Moshe begins his repetition of the Torah, recounting the travels of the Jewish people over their time  in the desert.

The drasha this week is being given by Benji Prawer and Sefi Prawer, who warmly agreed to prepare some words despite Benji being off in the wilderness camping until Friday afternoon (not unlike the Jews that they will be discussing). We thank Benji and Sefi, and also request that more volunteers put their hands up to give drashot in coming weeks as we are in need of some new voices. The delicious Kiddush this week is being sponsored by Deborah Neufeld - thank you very much.  Thanks also to Sara Brott for kindly making this week's chulent, in honour of her birthday, and her grandmother's yahrzeit.

Erev Tisha Be'Av is on Monday night. The fast begins at 5.19pm. At 5.45pm we will be davening Ma'ariv and then at 6pm we will read Megillat Eicha. Following the Megilla, Ittay Flescher will facilitate a discussion about the stereotypes that many Jews still hold of other Jews, challenging us to confront the impact of these views. The session is entitled "Turning baseless hatred (sinat chinam) into mutual respect".

Seudat Shlishit at Melbourne Moishe House: Everyone is invited to sing and eat at the Moishe House at 4.30pm on July 27th. Mark the date in your diaries. Please bring something kosher to nush on and share if you can. We will have a musical havdala when shabbat goes out. All welcome! If you would like to come and need the address, please reply to this email.

Shabbat Shalom


Posted on July 11, 2013 .