In Parshat Masei, now in the Promised Land, the Jews set up cities of refuge as places of exile for inadvertent murderers being chased by people out for revenge. It seems Edward Snowden might also benefit from such an arrangement, if only he could sneak a copy of the parsha out to more world leaders!
Join us at 6pm for Kab Shab, and then at 9.15am on Shabbat for a shiur followed by Shacharit at 9.45am. Thanks to Mandi Katz for giving this week's drasha. Stick around for the Kiddush following the Tefilla.
Tisha Be'av: Please join us on Monday July 15th at our regular premises for Ma'ariv at 5.45pm, followed by Megillat Eicha at 6pmand a talk by Ittay Flescher to follow, on the topic "Turning baseless hatred into mutual respect". Ittay will facilitate a discussion about the stereotypes that many Jews still hold of other Jews, challenging us to confront the impact of these views and try to rectify them. See the facebook event here. Please note that the fast starts at 5.19pm.
Shabbat Shalom