This week's parsha is an architect/interior designer's dream - a sumptuous detailed list of how to construct the Mikdash (the sanctuary), the ark, and all the dwellings within. The details of the gold, silver, copper and rich colours are all alive and vivid in their descriptions.
With albeit not as much gold, but still beautiful in its surrounds, we look forward to seeing you at our shule this week. Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday night begins at 6.30pm.
Shabbat morning tefilla starts with a shiur at 9.15am and Shacharit commences at 9.45am. This week, we have the absolute pleasure to host a Simchat Bat for one of our newest members Shifra Sheina Sacks-Frosh, daughter of Rachel Sacks Davis and Anthony Frosh. The Kiddush this week is kindly sponsored by Ron and Vardit Sacks-Davis. We wish the entire family mazel tov and much nachas always from your darling daughter.
Save the date #1! We are lucky to have two mavens (experts) in paediatrics as well as valued regulars in our shule — Professor Dr Gary Freer and Associate Professor Dr Lionel Lubitz. Next Shabbat, 8 February after shule, they will be part of a fascinating panel broadly entitled: "Contemporary issues in Paediatrics". Gary will speak on "The Ageing of Australia — it's not just about the old people". He will focus on how the ageing of Australia is impacting health care delivery to children — and some unexpected consequences of longevity! Lionel will discuss challenging paediatric cases that take us into the areas of ethics, responsibility for those whose decisions are made by others rather than the child (such as parents/doctors) and where issues like immunisation fit into the 'freedom to choose'.
Both topics are guaranteed to generate plenty of interesting discussion! There will be a delicious catered Kiddush, and we would appreciate contributions of $10 a head towards our Kiddush costs. To pay for the lunch, please click here.
Save the date #2! We are excited to announce our first Friday night Shabbat dinner for 2014 for 28 February after Kabbalat Shabbat, which will involve great company, good food and a scintillating panel entitled: Kol Isha: Is Lena Dunham's Girls the voice of our generation? The cost is $25 full/$20 concession or student. More details to follow, but we encourage you to book early here.
We look forward to seeing you at shule!
There are many ways to be involved in Shira this year. If you would like to give a drasha, sponsor a kiddush, celebrate a simcha and/or commemorate a yarzheit, please reply to this email.
Shabbat Shalom