Parshat Tetzaveh

This parsha looks at the holy garments and paraphernalia which Aaron and his sons wore whilst serving as Cohanim (priests).  Amongst the most evocative is the blue woollen cloak with golden bells and (decorative) pomegranates at the hem, as well as the sacred breastplate with 12 precious stones.

It may be too warm this Shabbat for such outfits, but we welcome you into our lovely cool air-conditioned shule for a Kiddush followed by a fascinating panel on"Contemporary Issues in Paediatrics",  given by Dr Gary Freed and Dr Lionel Lubitz. 

Gary will speak on The Ageing of Australia - it's not just about the old people.  He will focus on how the ageing of Australia is impacting health care delivery to children - and with some unexpected consequences of longevity!  Lionel will discuss challenging pediatric cases that take us into the areas of ethics, responsibility for those whose decisions are made by others rather than the child (i.e. parents/doctors), and where issues such as immunisations fit into the "freedom to choose".  Sara Kowal will moderate the panel, and invite what is sure to be robust discussion and questions from the audience. 

We still appreciate contributions for our Kiddush at $10 a head.  If you have not already done so, you can pay here.  

Save the date - 28 February 2014 at 6.30pm:   Our first Friday night dinner for this year is a scintillating panel of "Girls" experts discussing Kol Isha: Is Lena Dunham's Girls the voice of our Generation?  The cost is $25 full/$20 concession or student.  We encourage you to book early here.  

Also, a further reminder that the Annual General Meeting of the members of Shira Hadasha will take place on 26 February 2014 at the shule at 7.30pm.

Will you volunteer for our salad roster?  A small team have been providing delicious fresh salads at our Kiddushim, and we are seeking to widen the roster.  We would really appreciate more volunteers to make a salad (can be as little or as often as you like), for which you will be reimbursed.  Please reply to this email if you are interested. 

Kabbalat Shabbat commences at 6.30pm, and Shabbat morning tefilla commences at 9.15am with a shiur and Shacharit at 9.45 am.  We look forward to seeing you at shule.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on February 6, 2014 .