Shmini Atzeret, Simchat Torah and Shabbat Bereishit!

We are back for another round of yomtovs! Join us this chag to celebrate the cycle of the Torah! 

Shmini Atzeret — Thursday 16 October, Shacharit commences at 9.15am. Yizkor is said on this day.

That night, the fun begins for young and not-as-young! Children love Simchat Torah at Shira with dinner and puppet shows at other activities on Thursday evening 16 October from 5.00pm–6.30pm for those aged 0–7 (and their parents/carers)

We then invite the whole community to come on down at 7.30pm for some singing and dancing with the Torah and cakes and goody bags.  We should finish by around 9.00pm.

Everyone is invited to have an aliya from the Torah on Friday 17 October, Simchat Torah day, beginning at 9.15am. At around 12 noon, we are honoured to honour (!) Yardena Prawer as Kallat HaTorah and Mark Symons as Chatan Bereishit.  We are also delighted to honour Sasha Klein, Tali Prawer and Noah Starr as our Kol Ha'nearim - representing the youth of our shul. Vivi Kalman will once again read Bereishit as she always does so beautifully. 

A communal kiddush will be enjoyed over the course of the day! All welcome!

Kabbalat Shabbat will begin that night at 6.30pm. Shacharit on Shabbat 18 October begins at 9.45amwith a kiddush kindly sponsored by Mark and Kerryn Baker following the shul service, in honour of their birthdays! Mark will be giving the Dvar Torah as well. All welcome.

Employment: Shira has three paid part time positions available for people wanting to join our dynamic team and organisation, commencing end 2014/beginning 2015. Please pass on to anyone you think may be interested in the following positions:
(1) Early Learning Co-ordinator (children's programs
(2) Bnei Mitzvah Co-ordinator; and/or
(3) Administrative Officer (community organiser)
Please email for a more detailed position description.

Save the Date! 7 December 8.00pm for our AGM, more details to follow.

We have a new Facebook page!  Please visit and make sure to click to receive Notifcations to be updated for all things Shira!  Thank you to Ari Perlow for setting this up.

Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom!

Posted on October 13, 2014 .