We have exciting and wonderful events for you to join in, this week at Shira.
Firstly, we are thrilled to wish a hearty Mazel Tov toIsobel Stein-Fooks on her batmitzvah! Wishing Isobel and her parents, Debbie and Ben, her siblings, and the entire family much nachas and many blessings on this exciting milestone for Isobel. Thank you to the family for sponsoring the Kiddush after shule, and all are welcome.
The Dvar Torah will be given this week by Chooch (Esther) Takac. Shacharit commences at 9.45am.
Mazeltov as well to Dalya Freeman on her batmitzvah anniversary!
Shabbat Project:
(1) Welcome to our first musical Kabbalat Shabbat of the year! Bring your voices and instruments and join us in an always melodious and inspirational start to Shabbat at 6.30pm Friday night.
This Friday night we are also pleased to welcome Bialik secondary students who will be attending Shira as part of their Shule Hop.
(2) If you (or someone you know) are a student between Years 7-12, then we invite you to come along to "Shabbos in the Park" together with all the youth movements at Caulfield Park Pavilion at 4.30pm (alternatively at Shira premises in the event of wet weather). Our Education Director Raf Dascalu will be presenting one of the shiurim.
(3) Yaron Gottleib and Alex Fein welcome you to their home at 28 Normanby Ave (not Road) at 6.45pm for a "heimish" Seudah Shlishit. The communal Shabbat Project havdalah will take place across the road at Caulfield Park afterwards at approx 8.45pm.
Other events:
Samara Hersch is directing "META a nightmare inspired by Kafka's Metamorphosis" at the Malthouse Theatre. For tickets and information, please see here.
Glow Project events is putting on a concert called "Life is Beautiful" starring Brett Kaye and other artists at the Astor Theatre on 2 December. Tickets are $40, and Shira receives $10 for each ticket sold. To purchase tickets, please email ilana@shira.org.au
Shabbat Shalom!