Parshat Pekudei

The Mishkan (Tabernacle) is finally completed in this week's parsha, made up of donations from the people.  Moshe anoints the Mishkan, and Aaron and his four sons are made Cohanim (priests).  A cloud of Hashem rests upon the Mishkan upon completion.  When the cloud rises, the people set out of their journey through the desert, and when it did not rise, the people waited until it did.

We have a beautiful instrumental Kabbalat Shabbat this week at 6.30pm.  Shabbat morning service commences with a shiur at 9.15am, followed by Shacharit at 9.45am.  The Dvar Torah this week will be given by Mandi Sacks.  A light Kiddush will follow the Service.  All are welcome!

We have many exciting upcoming events at Shira.

Firstly, our inaugural Shabbat dinner is this Friday night 28 February at 6.30pm, after Kabbalat Shabbat.  We are excited to have a delicious Shabbat dinner with our very own scintillating panel of "Girls" (the TV show) experts discussing: "Kol Isha: Is Lena Dunham's Girls the Voice of our Generation?"  Bookings have now closed….

We are also thrilled to shortly commence our Bnei Mitzvah program for youth who are turning bar/bat mitzvah in 2014/2015.  Yael Prawer will lead a year long engaging and thought provoking program for youth, commencing 6 March, to be held Thursday evenings.  Please reply to this email for all further enquiries about this program.

It's Purim! We are excited to once again celebrate Purim with the community.  

Want to bake your very own delicious hamentashen?  Come to Shira for our pre-Purim Bake n' Learn onWednesday 12 March at 8pm - 9pm!  We are delighted to have the very talented Dalya Freedmandemonstrate and assist in making your very own delicious hamentashen.  All ingredients will be provided, but please, BYO tupperware or baking tray.  Baking will be followed by some learning about Purim. The cost of this event is free, but a gold coin donation would be gratefully accepted.

Saturday night 15 March, Ma'ariv commences 8.30pm, followed by Megillah reading 8.45 sharp.  A night of musical entertainment will follow. 

Sunday morning, 16 March, our famous children's program (ages 0-12) will commence at 10.00am-11.30am, with fabulous entertainment, arts and crafts and morning tea/mishloach manot provided.  Bring your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins etc….

Sunday morning Megillah reading will then commence 11.30am sharp, followed by a delicious seudah and more entertainment from the very talented members of our community.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on February 27, 2014 .