Parshat Vayikra

We now come to the beginning of Vayikra (Leviticus). The Parsha lists in intricate detail, the types of offerings/sacrifices that can be made, and what is in each offering (whether meat or meal).

Please join us for Kabbalat Shabbat this week at 6.30pm. Shabbat morning services commences with a shiur at 9.15am, followed by Shacharit at 9.45am. The Dvar Torah this week will be given by Sibella Stern. A light Kiddush will follow the Service, sponsored by Sibella Stern. All are welcome!

Come and Celebrate Purim with Shira! 

Want to bake your very own delicious hamentashen, as well as hear a thought provoking shiur on Purim? Come to Shira for our pre-Purim Bake n' Learn on Wednesday 12 March at 8pm - 9pm! We are delighted to have the very talented Dalya Freedman demonstrate and assist in making your very own delicious hamentashen. Baking will be followed by a shiur given by Professor Steven Prawer on "The Role of Chance in Judaism". All ingredients will be provided, but please, BYO tupperware or baking tray. A gold coin donation would be gratefully accepted. Please RSVP to this email so we can buy ingredients.

Saturday night 15 March - Megilla & Music: Ma'ariv commences 8.30pm, followed by Megillah reading 8.45 sharp. A night of musical entertainment & hamentashen will follow.

Sunday morning, 16 March - Purim: Our fabulous children's program (ages 0-12) will commence at 10.00am-11.30am, with magical entertainment, arts and crafts and morning tea/mishloach manot provided. Bring your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins etc….

Sunday morning Megillah reading will then commence 11.30am sharp, followed by a deliciousseudah and entertainment sketches from some of the very talented members of our community - Carmella Rose & Ittay Flescher; Anthony Frosh; Mark Symons & Michael Sifris. All are very welcome!

Upcoming meeting: Members of Shira are invited to a meeting on Sunday 30 March 2014 from 11.00 - 1.00to discuss general future directions at Shira. This is an opportunity for members to have input into crucial issues raised at this year’s AGM including the role of a rabbi/spiritual leader and to contribute other ideas for the growth of our community. The meeting will be held at Shira (222 Balaclava Road) and will be facilitated by Ittay Flescher.

Posted on March 6, 2014 .