Please join us for our delightful Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm this Friday.
This week in Parashat Bamidbar we read the specifics of the 12 tribes camping formations in the desert. Moses also conducts a census, surveying all males between 20-60 years old.
Our shiur on Shabbat morning commences 9.15am, followed by Shacharit at 9.45am sharp. A light Kiddush will follow, and all are welcome. Yaakov Gorr and Silke Bohleke will give the Dvar Torah this week. This week will be the last Shabbat at Shira for Yaakov and Marion Gorr as Melbourne residents, and we wish them all the best, and hope to see them at shule in the future.
We welcome you all to our traditional Tikkun Leil Shavuot at 8pm on Tuesday 3 June, Erev Shavuot, for a night of learning Torah, and of course, cheesecake.
Our theme this year is "Love in the Time of Torah" and we are thrilled to have an amazing array of speakers to engage us in thought provoking learning and discussion.
Our speakers are:
Salvador Litvak ( The Accidental Talmudist), American screenwriter, film director and producer (here as a guest of Limmud Oz):
TOPIC - Love in the Talmud
Dr Nathan Wolski, Lecturer in Jewish Studies, Monash University
TOPIC - The Palace of Love in the Zohar: "Deus Caritas Est" Zohar Style
Professor Andrew Benjamin, Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Though, Monash University:
TOPIC - With beauty’s children only can we live’: Love and self-love, poetry and Torah
Merav Carmeli, Currently writing her PhD on "the Divine Feminine in the Zohar"
TOPIC - 'Arousing the Divine Feminine - the Role of the Zoharic Kabbalists'.
Ellyse Borghi, Lawyer with a keen interest in all things gender and Jewish
Adam Hyman, Former student of Yeshivat Maale Gilboa, and film production and cinema studies.
TOPIC - 'Reading Midrash Reading Chumash: Interpreting Interpretations, or If Moshe speaks to Aharon in a desert and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?'
In other community news, Limmud Oz is being held this year in Melbourne form 7 to 9 June. there will be 180 sessions led by international and local presenters (including Shira members) of pluralist Jewish learning, as well as many musical performances. For more information and tickets (early bird prices end 31 May), please see here.
Shabbat Shalom