
We welcome you all to our traditional Tikkun Leil Shavuot at 8pm on Tuesday 3 June, Erev Shavuot, for a night of learning Torah, and of course, cheesecake.

Our theme this year is "Love in the Time of Torah" and we are thrilled to have an amazing array of speakers to engage us in thought provoking learning and discussion.

Tikkun commences at 8pm. 

Our speakers are:

8.15-8.45 Salvador Litvak (The Accidental Talmudist), American screenwriter, film director and producer (here as a guest of Limmud Oz): 

TOPIC - Love in the Talmud

9.00-9.30 Dr Nathan Wolski, Lecturer in Jewish Studies, Monash University

TOPIC - The Palace of Love in the Zohar: "Deus Caritas Est" Zohar Style

9.45-10.15 Professor Andrew Benjamin, Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Though, Monash University: 

TOPIC - With beauty’s children only can we live’: Love and self-love, poetry and Torah

10.15-10.45 Merav Carmeli, Currently writing her PhD on "the Divine Feminine in the Zohar"

TOPIC - 'Arousing the Divine Feminine - the Role of the Zoharic Kabbalists'.

11.00-11.45 Ellyse Borghi, Lawyer with a keen interest in all things gender and Jewish
TOPIC - Bruria's great loves - Husband and Halacha


Adam Hyman, Former student of Yeshivat Maale Gilboa, and film production and cinema studies.

TOPIC - 'Reading Midrash Reading Chumash: Interpreting Interpretations, or If Moshe speaks to Aharon in a desert and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?'

Shavuot davening times:

Wednesday 4 June: Shacharit 9.30am, 

Dvar Torah by Rabbi Dr. Danny Schiff, founder and President of MoJI - Museum of Jewish Ideas, Jerusalem

Thursday 5 June: Shacharit 9.30am (Yizkor approx 11.30am), 

Dvar Torah by Rabbi Meir Shweiger, teacher and Director of Pardes Executive and Fellows Program, from Pardes Institute, Jerusalem

Shabbat 7 June: Shacharit 9.45, 

Dvar Torah by Matthew Kalman, former editor of The Jerusalem Report, a blogger for Haaretz and co-author of 'Psychobibi' and 'The Murder of Yasser Arafat'

Posted on May 25, 2014 .