Need another reason to put the phone away on Shabbat? One word....Shira! We are delighted to begin the year with several joyous occasions and smachot.
In this week’s parsha, we are commanded to retell the story of Exodus from Egypt. Every person is unique with his or her own particular needs, personality, strengths, weaknesses, joys, and challenges, and responds to and re-tells the story of Exodus in a unique way. Come join us for this wonderful re-telling.
Unfortunately, there is no Kabbalat Shabbat service tonight but we look forward to welcoming you for Shabbat Shacharit commencing at 9.45am. There will be a service for the kids too.
This weekend, we have the absolute pleasure in celebrating the Simchat Bat of Yael Meltzer. Yael will undoubtedly bring her uniqueness and personality to her leining and Dvar Torah. A Kiddush, kindly sponsored by her parents Katy and Brian Meltzer, will follow the service. We wish the entire family mazel tov!
The Shira community also extends a warm mazel tov to Brett Nathan who recently became engaged to Jordana Cohen. We are delighted to hear this fabulous news and wish them much naches. The community also extends a hearty mazltov to Mark and Karen Symons on the marriage of their daughter Ariella to Simon Holloway in Sydney last week, and we wish the couple joy and happiness.
Our Bnei Mitzvah program will be commencing soon for youth who are turning bar/bat mitzvah in 2014/2015. Adiel Cohney will lead an engaging and thought provoking program for youth. The will be an information session on the 3rd of March 2015. It will be a good opportunity to meet Adiel and find out more about the program. In the meantime, please reply to this email with any enquiries.
There are many ways to be involved in Shira this year. If you would like to give a drasha, sponsor a kiddush, celebrate a simcha and/or commemorate a yarzheit, please reply to this email.
Shabbat Shalom