After escaping Egypt, in this week’s parsha, the Israelites find themselves trapped in between pharaoh’s armies and the sea. The Red Sea then splits allowing the Israelites to pass through before closing on the pursuing Egyptians. Moses and the children of Israel celebrate this victory by singing songs of praise.
Join the soulfulness of Shira this Friday night at 6.30pm for the first Kabbalat Shabbat of the year. It is almost time to welcome Shabbat...Shira Style! We are starting the year with a musical Kabbalat Shabbat!
We look forward to welcoming you again for Shabbat Shacharit commencing at 9.45am. We are delighted to start services for primary school aged kids in addition to the tots service (up to five year olds).
This weekend, we have the pleasure in celebrating the Bat Mitzvah of Anna Denishensky. Anna will undoubtedly bring her passion and enthusiasm to her leining. Anna will also be presenting a Dvar Torah with her brother Max. There will be a Kiddush following the service, kindly hosted by their parents Lisa and Andrew Denishensky. We wish the entire family mazel tov!
Our Bnei Mitzvah program will be commencing soon for those who will have a bar/bat mitzvah in 2015. Adiel Cohney will lead an engaging and thought provoking program for youth. There will be an information session on 3 March 2015. It will be a good opportunity to meet Adiel and find out more about the program. In the meantime, please reply to this email with any enquiries.
There are many ways to be involved in Shira this year. If you would like to give a drasha, sponsor a kiddush, celebrate a simcha and/or commemorate a yarzheit, please send us an email.
Shabbat Shalom