Parshat Mishpatim

Subsequent to Jews receiving the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai in last week's parsha Yitro) and accepting the Torah, 
G-d teaches them the laws within. In this parsha, we learn about 53 mitzvot (out of a total of 613) that G-d commands the Jews including laws about courts and Judging. We are taught to never make false testimony and about laws of punishment. In light of the Royal Commission these lessons are particularly poignant. 

This weekend at Shira is Summer themed! Come to Kabbalat Shabbat at 6.30pm in your best Hawaiian or other summer shirt and stay for icy poles.  

Shabbat Shacharit commences at 9.45am. Do you have a sweet tooth? Yes? This week, the service will be followed by a light kiddush including Icecream. If you need another reason to attend Shira, the drasha will be given by Ellyse Borghi. 
Are you missing any clothing? Please collect any clothing you may have left at the Herzl Club recently by attending shule on Friday night or Saturday. Herzl Club management want these articles removed immediately. At the end of February any goods still remaining at Shira will be given to the local OpShop.
Adiel Cohney will lead an engaging and diverse program for those having a bar or bat mitvah in 2015.   There will be an information session on 3 March 2015 at 7.30pm. It will be a good opportunity to meet Adiel and find out more about the program. If you are interested in attending please reply to this email. 

If you would like to help organise any event, give a drasha, sponsor a kiddush, celebrate a simcha and/or commemorate a yarzheit, please reply to this email. 

Finally,  we want to share information about the joint event "Unchain my heart" on Sunday 1 March at 7.30 pm hosted by Melbourne's Jewish women's organisations to acknowledge International Agunah Day. There will be a panel and an improvised performance by Playback Theatre. Venue: 2 Nagle Ave, Elsternwick. Cost: $10 per person

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on February 12, 2015 .