Parshat Terumah

Come join the soulfulness at Shira this weekend. We hope to see you there!

Kabbalat Shabbat -  Friday 6.30pm

Shabbat Shacharit - Saturday 9.45am
This Shabbat Shacharit the drasha will be given by Arielle Perlow and followed by a light Kiddush.

Upcoming Events

Purim is fast approaching and the community are invited (in costume!) to:

Wednesday, March 4th- Erev Purim

7.30 - 8.15pm (7-12 year olds): Hamentashen making at Shira! (please RSVP to this email to confirm attendance)
8.15pm: Communal Megilla reading at Shira followed by hamentashen and live music. 

Thursday, March 5th- Purim Day
Join us at the home of Michael and Adiva Sifris,
10 Airdrie Road, North Caulfield

4 - 5.30pm (Under 8's):  Kids' (brief) Megilla reading, amazing sand art, and Ron the Magician! (please RSVP to this email)
6.00pm: Megilla reading with Mark Symons doing his wonderful theatrical performance.


There will be a Bnei Mitzvah information session on March 3rd at 7.30pm.  It will be a good opportunity to find out more about the program. If you are interested in attending please reply to this email.

Are you missing any clothing? Please collect any clothing you may have left at the Herzl Club recently by attending shule on Friday night or Saturday. Herzl Club management want these articles removed immediately.  At the end of February any goods still remaining at Shira will be given to the local OpShop.

Community Announcements

The ‘New Australian Haggadah’, complied by the wonderful Joel Lazar, has just been released. This Haggadah highlights contemporary social justice issues and their relationship to Pesach.  It aims to inspire our community to work towards social change.  You can check it out here.

Finally, the Melbourne's Jewish women's organisations are hosting "Unchain my heart" on Sunday 1 March at 7.30pm to acknowledge International Agunah Day. There will be a panel and an improvised performance by Playback Theatre. 

Venue: 2 Nagle Ave, Elsternwick. 
Cost: $10 per person

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on February 19, 2015 .