Pesach at Shira

If you enjoyed the Shira tefillah on the 1st and 2nd day of Pesach, we hope to see you this week at the following times:

Pesach VII: 10 April, 9.30am & 6pm (Friday night)
Pesach VIII: 11 April, 9.15am

This Shabbat, 11 April, we are honoured to welcome Samuel Norich the publisher of the The Jewish Daily Forward to give the Yizkor Drasha. He served as executive director of the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research from 1980-1992, and as vice president of the World Jewish Congress from 1975 to 1981.

Are you bringing your children to shule? Do they need entertainment? There is no need to fear...Shira's popular children's services will be running:

Tot's Service (up-to 5 years): 
Yamim Tovim, 10:45 am
Primary School Service: 
Yamim Tovim, 11:15 am


Shira sends its condolences to the Ajzner, Harari and Sachwald families on the passing of Mayer Harari, z'l, who came out of Egypt to build a family here.

The Shira community sends condolences to Susie Gartner and her family on the passing of her beloved mother, Lilly Schramm Gilbert - Rachel bat David ve'Hindel, z'l.  A minyan will be held on Saturday night, 11 April at 7pm at 19 Morrice St, Caulfield.

Upcoming Events

Finding Your Way Out of the Closet

On Saturday, 18 April, Shira is proud to welcome Wayne Green to speak after the kiddush. His talk will explore one's journey through discovering life as a Jewish and gay man. For more information click here.


Potluck Dinner

There will another exciting Potluck Shabbat dinner on Friday, 24 April. More details coming soon.


Membership Drive & Shabbat Dinner

On Friday, 14 August, Shira will be hosting a communal Shabbat dinner to celebrate its 10 wonderful years and to officially launch the 2015-2016 membership drive. More details coming soon.

Community Announcements

Buchenwald Ball

On Sunday night, 12 April , the 70th Anniversary Buchenwald Ball will be held at Shira for the extended family and friends of the Boys who danced back to life after losing everything. We look forward to sharing our pre Pesach Shabbat dinner with the Boys and their families in future years.


In this day and age to say that our lives are busy is an understatement. Mindful in May is a global online mindfulness meditation challenge that makes learning mindfulness meditation easy, while also raising funds for clean water projects in developing countries.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on April 8, 2015 .