We hope to see you at shule this Friday night for another spiritual and tuneful Shabbat at the following tefillah times:
Kabbalat Shabbat - Friday 6.00pm
Shabbat Shacharit - Saturday 9.45am
On Shabbat morning, the drasha will be given by Seraphya Berrin and a kiddush will follow the service.
To help ensure a minyan promptly, we ask members to attend punctually once a month (more would be great). Please see the 'rosters' section to register your commitment.
Bnei Mitzvah Program
A significant part of having a Bar or Bat Mitzvah is the learning process that accompanies that milestone. The 2015 Bnei Mitzvah Program has began! It is not too late to join so if you are interested in the program reply to this email.
Upcoming Events
Tikkun Leil Shavuot is fast approaching! On Saturday 23 May at 6.00pm, you are invited to a family dinner followed by a stimulating night of engaging speakers, discussion and exploration of 'Revelation'. Dinner registrations open next week!
Weekly Zohar Shiur
The wise Nathan Wolski is running a Zohar shiur every Wednesday 8-9.30pm.
Where: 15a Alston Grove, East St Kilda
Come along to learn about the wonders of Jewish mystical thought!
Community Announcements
Shira Rosters
Cholent Roster
We love cholent at Shira! If you wish to make a pot of delicious cholent, please click here for step by step instructions and to put your name on the roster.
Minyan Roster
Please click link for the relevant minyan to register your commitment to attend (Please note: only one link can be opened at a time):