Parshat Bamidbar + Shavuot

This weekend at Shira is jam-packed! We hope to see you in shule this Shabbat and during Shavuot.

On Friday night, we are will be having an end of the week l'chaim at 5.45pmfollowed by another spiritual and tuneful Kabbalat Shabbat.

Kabbalat Shabbat - Friday 6.00pm
Shabbat Shacharit - Saturday 9.45am

This Shabbat, the drasha will be be given by Nathan Wolski and a kiddush will follow the service.

Shavuot Tefillah Times

Erev Shavuot - 23 May, 6.30pm
Shavuot I - 24 May, 9:45am
Shavuot II - 25 May, 9:45am

On the first day of Shavuot, the drasha will be given by Raf Dascalu.

There will be plenty of cheesecake but registrations for the family dinner are now closed. If you have any questions please reply to this email.

Children's Services

Bring you kids along to shule, the tots (up to 5 years) and primary school services will be running on Shabbat and Shavuot.


On Saturday 23 May from 8pm, you are invited to Shira's Tikkun Leil Shavuot. A great mix of scholars, comedians, journalists, playwrights and film-makers will be a leading a stimulating night of discussion on a range of engaging topics!

Chulent Roster

We love cholent at Shira! If you wish to make a pot of delicious cholent, please click here for step by step instructions and to put your name on the roster.

Posted on May 21, 2015 .