We hope to see you at shule this Friday night for an end of the week l'chaim at 5.45pm followed by another spiritual and tuneful Kabbalat Shabbat.
Kabbalat Shabbat - Friday 6.00pm
Shabbat Shacharit - Saturday 9.45am
On Shabbat morning, the kiddush is generously sponsored by Dalya Freedman in honour of the yahrzeit of her father, Stanley Ruch z'l who passed away 15 years ago.
Following the service and kiddush, Hamutal Gouri, the executive director of the Dafna Fund, will be speaking about 'Women and the public sphere in Israel'. This is a fantastic opportunity as it is her only public talk in Melbourne.
Tefillah Announcement
Please note that from next week (Friday 20 June), Kabbalat Shabbat will begin at 5.30pm.
Upcoming Events
Weekly Zohar Shiur
The wise Nathan Wolski is running a Zohar shiur every Wednesday 8-9.30pm.
Where: 15a Alston Grove, East St Kilda
Come along to learn about the wonders of Jewish mystical thought!
This Shabbat 13 June, Hamutal Gouri is speaking at Shira after the service on 'K'vod Bat Melech P'nima: Women and the public sphere in Israel'.
Hamatal Gouri is the executive director of the Dafna Fund, which fosters Israeli women to be effective agents of social transformation, enhance the collective capacities of the women's movement in Israel, and promotes gender mainstreaming through powerful partnerships between women's organisations, including those in the Mizrahi/Sephardi, Palestinian-Israeli and Orthodox Jewish sectors.
Hamutal is in Australia as a guest of Limmud-Oz Sydney and the New Israel Fund Australia. For more information: Click Here
The community is invited to an evening shiur with Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield titled, "From a Place of Anger or Renewal?- The Last Words of Rabbi Eliezer". Zvi will be exploring the narrative of R. Eliezer's excommunication and death in the Talmud. No background knowledge is required.
Where: 2 Fitzgibbon Crescent, Caulfield North VIC 3161
When: Sunday 14 June, 7.45-9 pm
About Rabbi Hirschfield
Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield teaches Talmud and Jewish Thought at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jeruslaem. He is in Australia as a guest of Limmud Oz.
About Pardes
Pardes is an open, co-ed and non-denominational Jewish learning community with programs worldwide. Pardes believes in inclusivity when exploring classic texts, Jewish traditions and contemporary issues.
For More Information: Click Here
Shira Rosters
Cholent Roster
We love cholent at Shira! If you wish to make a pot of delicious cholent, please click here for step by step instructions and to put your name on the roster.