Parshat Beshalach

Welcome to Shira 2013! We will be returning to regular Services from this Friday night onwards. We have many exciting things planned for the upcoming year and anticipate that this will be our most fantastic year yet.

Mazal tov: This week we celebrate Samuel Herz’s Bar Mitzvah. We wish Samuel,Klara, Rebecca, Annette, Alain and the extended Herz and Charak families a mazal tov! We look forward to hearing Samuel leyn and daven mussaf.

Mazal tov: This week we also celebrate the aufruf of Aliza Pinkus and Daniel Harris. We wish a mazal tov to the couple and the Pinkus and Harris families. The celebrations will occur at a Mincha Service at 4pm on Shabbat afternoon at Shira. The Service will be followed by a L’Chayim.

Shabbat: We will bring in Shabbat with a musical Kabbalat Shabbat at 6:30pm on Friday.  Please bring your musical instruments. Shacharit will commence at 9:30am on Shabbat morning. The Dvar Torah will be given by Annette Charak and the Service will be followed by a Kiddush sponsored by the Charak-Herz family.  We will be holding a special Mincha Service at 4pmon Shabbat afternoon, followed by a L’Chayim sponsored by theHarris and Pinkus families.

Tu B’Shvat: Tu B’Shvat falls this Friday night. Shira will be hosting a Seder followed by a Potluck dinner on Friday nightafter the completion of Kabbalat Shabbat. The Seder will be coordinated by Ittay Flescher and the dinner will be held at the home of Alex and Yaron (28 Normanby Ave, Caulfield). If you would like to attend the dinner, please RSVP by emailing Ari by Thursday nightand by signing up to bring a dish at this page. Please note: if you do not have acess to a kosher kitchen, please sign up to bring something packaged or purchased.

Purim: We will be holding Megillah reading on both Saturday night 23 February and Sunday morning 24 February. The morning reading will be followed by a communal Seudah, so save the date!

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on January 24, 2013 .

Parshat Miketz

Shabbat: Join us at 6:20pm on Friday for Chanuka candle lighting and singing, led by Ittay Flesher. This will be followed by Kabbalat Shabbat at 6:30pm. Yaron Gottlieb will be running the weekly shiur at 9:15am on Shabbat morning, which will be followed by Shacharit at 9:45am. The Dvar Torah will be given bySeraphya Berrin and a Kiddush will be held after the completion of the Service.

Break: This week , we will hold our final Shabbat services for the year. We will start up again, refreshed and energetic, on Friday night 25 January 2013. We hope you all have a wonderful summer break.

Dinner: We will be holding a Friday night dinner following the conclusion of the Kabbalat Shabbat Service this Friday. Bookings have closed for the dinner, but everyone is welcome to join us for candle lighting and Kabbalat Shabbat.

Mazal Tov: We wish Yaron Gottlieb a mazal tov on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah anniversary. We look forward to hearing him leyn this week.

We wish Bella Zelman a happy 4th Birthday! There will be a specialbirthday party for Bella held in the kids' room on Shabbat morning. All Bella's friends are invited!

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on December 13, 2012 .

Chanuka at Shira

Shira will be holding two Chanuka related events during the upcoming week. There will be a dinner on Friday night (14 December) and a celebration for tots (aged 1-5) tomorrow (12 December).

End of Year/Chanuka Dinner

Shira will be hosting a dinner and a festive Kabbalat Shabbat in honour of Chanuka and our last week of Shule for the year. We will commence the evening with Chanuka candle lighting and singing, led by Ittay Flescher.
What: Candle lighting and Kabbalat Shabbat followed by Dinner and sufganiyot.
When: Friday 14 December, Candle lighting at 6:20pm, followed by Kabbalat Shabbat at 6:30pm, followed by dinner.
Who: Shiraniks (and friends) young and old.
Cost: $25 for adults, $15 for students. Bookings close Wednesday, so please pay ASAP via our website


What: Fun Chanuka themed activities run by the Prawer team, including a puppet show, arts and crafts, Chanuka songs and candle lighting, followed by dinner.
Who: Tots (1-5.y.o.s)
Where: 222 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield
When: Wednesday 12 December at 4-5:30pm
RSVP: Please RSVP to help us gauge numbers.
Bring: an art-smock or clothing that can get dirty.

Chanuka Sameach!

Posted on December 11, 2012 .

Parshat Vayeshev

Shabbat at Shira

Join us as we bring in Shabbat with a vivacious Kabbalat Shabbat at 6:30pm. Shabbat morning proceedings will begin at 9:15am with our weekly shiur, which will be given by Benji Prawer, followed by Shacharit at 9:45am.

This week we will be celebrating the aufruf of Saul Newstadt and Cara Silpert. We wish the couple and the Newstadt and Silpert families a mazal tov. The families invite the congregation to a Kiddush following the Service.

Chanuka at Shira:


What: Fun Chanuka themed activities run by the Prawer team, including a puppet show, arts and crafts, chanuka songs and candle lighting, followed by dinner.
Who: Tots (1–5 y.o.s)
Where: 222 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield
When: Wednesday 12 December at 4-5:30pm
RSVP: Please RSVP to help us gauge numbers.

Shira Kids

What: Latke making and games organised by the Prawer team. Following the program, the team will walk kids to Chanuka in the Park. 
Who: Kids aged 6–14.
Where: TBD
When: Sunday 16 December at 5pm.
RSVP: Please RSVP to help us gauge numbers.

End of Year Dinner

Shira will be hosting a dinner and a festive Kabbalat Shabbat in honour of Chanuka and our last week of Shule for the year. We will commence the evening with Chanukah candle lighting and singing, led by Ittay Flescher.

What: Candle lighting and Kabbalat Shabbat followed by Dinner and sufganiyot.
When: Friday 14 December, Candle lighting at 6:20pm, followed by Kabbalat Shabbat at 6:30pm, followed by dinner.
Who: Shiraniks (and friends) young and old.
Cost: $25 for adults, $15 for students. Bookings close Tuesday, so please pay ASAP via our website

Gemara Shiur

Shira is now hosting a weekly Gemara Shiur. The Shiur will be coordinated by Rob Berkowitz and is suitable for beginners to advanced Gemara learners.  Translations of texts will be available. The Shiur will be held on Tuesdays at 7:45pm at the home of Yaron and Alex (28 Normanby Ave, Caulfield). If you are interested in attending, please email

Shabbat Shalom


Posted on December 6, 2012 .

Parshat Vayishlach


Shabbat: Join us this week at 6:30pm for a melodious Kabbalat Shabbat. Yaron Gottlieb’s weekly shiur will commence at 9:15am on Shabbat morning and Shacharit will follow at 9:45am. Shaynee Barnett will be giving the Dvar Torah. Shaynee’s talk is titled ‘Dinah – a story of love, virtue and territorial aspirations’.

Mazal tov: We wish Andrew Wirth Mazal Tov on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah anniversary. We look forward to hearing him read the Haftarah. Andrew and Lynette invite the congregation for aKiddush following the Service.

End of Year Dinner: Shira will be hosting a dinner and a festive Kabbalat Shabbat in honour of Chanuka and our last week of Shule for the year. We will commence the evening with Chanukah candle lighting and singing, led by Ittay Flescher.

What: Candle lighting and Kabbalat Shabbat followed by Dinner and sufganiyot.
When: Friday 14 December, Candle lighting at 6:20pm, followed by Kabbalat Shabbat at 6:30pm, followed by dinner.
Who: Shiraniks (and friends) young and old.
Cost: $25 for adults, $15 for students. Please pay ASAP via our website

Gemara Shiur: Shira is now hosting a weekly Gemara Shiur. The Shiur will be coordinated by Rob Berkowitz and is suitable for beginners to advanced Gemara learners.  Translations of texts will be available. The Shiur will be held on Tuesdays at 7:45pm at the home of Yaron and Alex (28 Normanby Ave, Caulfield). If you are interested in attending, please email

Save the date: Tu B’Shvat Seder: Our first Friday night following the break will be 25th January. We will be holding a Tu B’Shvat Seder anddinner following Kabbalat Shabbat.

Shabbat Shalom


Posted on November 30, 2012 .

Parshat Vayetze


Shabbat: Join us this week at 6:30pm for a melodious Kabbalat Shabbat.Yaron Gottlieb’s weekly shiur will commence at 9:15am on Shabbat morning and Shacharit will follow at 9:45am.

Mazal tov: This week, Rachel Kochen will be celebrating her Bat Mitzvah. We wish a Mazal Tov to Rachel, Lilly, Leon, Dustin, Jesse and the entire family on the occasion. Rachel will be giving the Dvar Torah and the family invites the congregation to a Kiddush following the Service.

Gemara Shiur: Shira is now hosting a weekly Gemara Shiur. The Shiur will be coordinated by Rob Berkowitz and is suitable for beginners to advanced Gemara learners.  Translations of texts will be available. The Shiur will be held on Tuesdays at 7:45pm at the home of Yaron and Alex (28 Normanby Ave, Caulfield). If you are interested in attending, please email

Nuba Now: Last week we heard from Joel Lazar about Jewish Aid Australia’s Nuba Now campaign. The campaign’s facebook page can be found here and their donation page here. If you would like to be in contact with Joel, you can email him at

Save the date: We have a number of exciting upcoming events planned. Put the dates in your diary and get excited.

Chanuka Dinner: Our last day of Shule for the year will be on 15th December. We will be holding an end-of-year/Chanuka dinner onFriday 14th December.

Tu Bishvat Seder: Our first Friday night following the break will be25th January. We will be holding a Tu B’Shvat Seder and dinner following Kabbalat Shabbat. 

Shabbat Shalom


Posted on November 23, 2012 .

Atiqah on the Jewish Muslim Gathering

I am incredibly blessed to be a part of Muslim Leadership Program 2012 that this program has open the door to various inter-cultural, interracial and inter-religious dialogues which I have never experienced previously in my own country Malaysia. The memories of last Friday’s trip to the Shira Hadasha, an inclusive Orthodox Jewish community in Melbourne was a really an eye-opener to the better understanding and accepting the differences and similarities that both Muslims and Jews posses in worshipping the one and only God. When I was told to be prepared for the meeting with them, I gave myself a deep thought to re-arrange my mind and my heart that this will be another series of serious discussions and building networks.

It was a very warm welcome and an inspiring discussion that we had during the dinner. We changed our views, discussed many things about life and faith that sometimes we did find some similarities which connect the different views that we have between one another. I pursued the first meeting discussing our personal attachment that led to commonalities in general that we have such as topics of special interest in life and the position of Muslim women in Islam. But of course, I could hear the beats of my heart urging to advance questions regarding the series of continuing tension between Muslims and Jews. Yet, I could not do so and I could feel that my new Jewish friends were not comfortable to discuss and dwell into a serious issue at this very first meeting. On the other hand, I was actually throwing my chance away to create a real dialogue and engage to a more serious discussion about Muslims and Jews.The escalation violence of Israel towards Muslims and Palestine is something that I can never take blind eyes. In Malaysia, my affiliation in HALUAN (NGO) and is my constant reminder and direct participation on issues regarding Palestine. With Muslims as the majority population in the country, our perceptions and attitudes toward Israel and Jews are being positioned to only one direction. We have very little contact with the Jews community and though there are inter-faiths dialogues held by individuals or organizations in the country, yet there are only creating protest and refusal among the larger mainstream community.

Though this program is meant to create dialogue between the two faiths, create a mutual understanding which consequently able to build acceptance, tolerance and perhaps reconciliation of solutions, this can never be done without the effort of the two faiths to reach those at the highest authority to stop this irrational lust for violence in the name of justice and humanities. At the grassroots level, the steps towards a universal understanding of different faiths and cultures have been done for years and in some parts of the debates, there are solutions being made to curb the conflict. This Muslim Leadership Program is one of the many initiatives from the Muslim minority in Australia to reach and build inter-faiths dialogues so that these understandings and acceptance of differences and similarities can be put forward to create a better world that uphold justice and humanity. In the name of our God, the Lord and the Creator, we seek to have a better place where we can practice and celebrate our faith and beliefs. I do hope that this first meeting with the Jewish community in Australia can help to build a harmonious relationship which allows acceptance of differences and tolerance on commonalities and perhaps could shape and change the future of the world we share.




Posted on November 20, 2012 .

Parshat Toldot


Shabbat: Join us at 6:30pm on Friday night for a melodiousKabbalat Shabbat and at 9:15am on Shabbat morning for Yaron Gottlieb’s weekly shiur, followed by Shacharit at 9:45am. This week we will be privileged to hear from both Dean Ogden and Joel Lazar. Joel will be talking about Jewish Aid Australia’s Nuba Now campaign. The Service will be followed by a kiddush.

Gemara Shiur: Shira is now hosting a weekly Gemara Shiur. The Shiur will be coordinated by Rob Berkowitz and is suitable for beginners to advanced Gemara learners.  Translations of texts will be available. TheShiur will be held on Tuesdays at 7:45pm at the home of Yaron and Alex (28 Normanby Ave, Caulfield). If you are interested in attending, please email

Shira Tzedaka: We received a lovely letter from Associate Professor Neil Kennedy of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi thanking Shira for its donation. You can read the letter here.

Intercultural: There will be an intercultural afternoon  hosted by Identity: An Intercultural Dialogue for young Australians on Sunday 25 November. You can find out more about the event here.  

Shabbat Shalom


Posted on November 15, 2012 .

Jewish Muslim Gathering

As part of the Muslim Leadership Program study tour about religions in Australia, the participants in the program were welcomed to Shira on Friday the 9th of November. The MLP is a unique 36 day training course that aims to support leaders who can speak clearly and confidently about the various issues which confront people of Islamic faith in Australia and Southeast Asia today, and who can actively participate in shaping the region's future.

The evening began with a Q&A about Jewish beliefs and rituals followed by a joyful Kabbalat Shabbat service. Before Maariv, Yardena Prawer delivered a beautiful welcome message in Arabic, after which MLP participant Shahir Naga delivered a talk about the significance of the book of the Psalms and the Torah in the Islamic religion.

This is a reflection on the evening from Netzer Bogeret Lia Avisar.

“It wasn't a surprise for me that the two cultural groups at the dinner found plenty of things in common and got along so well. We are all individuals after all. I was however impressed by everyone's willingness and openness to question and share, with what seemed like such ease and comfort.

Once the Kabbalat Shabbat service ended, the group of Muslims invited us to observe Maghrib, their evening prayer. One of the Muslim women I particularly bonded with answered all my curious questions about some of the rituals we saw them perform. After sharing and comparing various rituals and customs from our respective religions and their streams, we both came to realise that the 'correctness' of a ritual or custom ultimately lies in the individual’s religiosity and their connection with the customAll the best or tradition.

Throughout the dinner, we continued to chitchat and laugh – she shared with me photos of her children and I shared with her photos of my pets! It was a lovely evening overall. Plus, Ittay’s icebreaker games were a hit! I left feeling as though stereotypes were slashed, preconceived ideas were challenged, and great new bonds were made. I hope this event will become an annual ‘tradition’ for both groups, and inspire others to open their doors and do the same.”

Posted on November 15, 2012 .

Parshat Chayei Sarah


Join us Friday night at 6:30pm for a special Kabbalat Shabbat. We are hosting a Muslim Leadership Program for Kabbalat Shabbat, followed by dinner. Bookings for the dinner have closed, but we encourage the entire community to attend Kabballat Shabbat.

Shabbat morning will commence with Yaron Gottlieb’s weekly shiur at 9:15am, followed by Shacharit at 9:45am. The Dvar Torah will be given by Mandi Katz.

We wish Aria Klein and the whole Stern family a Mazal Tov on the occasion of Aria’s Bat Mitzvah anniversary.  Penelle, Sasha and Aria invite the community to a Kiddush, following the completion of the Service.

Shira is now hosting a weekly Gemara Shiur. The Shiur will be coordinated by Rob Berkowitz and is suitable for beginners to advanced Gemara learners.  Translations of texts will be available. The Shiur will be held on Tuesdays at 7:45pm at the home of Yaron and Alex (28 Normanby Ave, Caulfield). If you are interested in attending, please email

The sequel to Debbie Masel’s first book Soul to Soul: Writings from Dark Places is available as an e-book on Amazon. The book is called Well Waddaya Know.

Shabbat Shalom


Posted on November 9, 2012 .

Jewish Muslim Dinner

This week, Shira will be hosting a Muslim Leadership Program forKabbalat Shabbat, followed by dinner with the community. The program is highly prestigious with participants taking part in the month-long program after being selected from around Australia and the world. We urge all congregants to attend, what we are sure will be, a rousing and inspiring Kabbalat Shabbat and for congregantsunder 35 to book and attend the dinner which will follow the service. Bookings close on Tuesday, so please book ASAP.

Where: 222 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield
When: 9 November 2012 at 6:30pm
Who:  Kabbalat Shabbat for the entire congregation, dinner for under 35s
Cost: $15, please pay ASAP by clicking here

Please contact Ari if you have any questions.

Posted on November 5, 2012 .

Parshat Vayera

Shabbat: Come to shule this week to hear a narrative-packed parashah: we promise, you won’t look back! Join us as we bring in Shabbat with a rapturous Kabbalat Shabbat at 6:30pm. Yaron Gottlieb will give his weekly Shiur at 9:15am, which will be followed by Shacharit at 9:45am. The Dvar Torah will be given by Natalie Krasnostein in commemoration of her mother’s yahrtzeit. 

Muslim Leadership Dinner: Shira will be hosting a Muslim Leadership Program for Kabbalat Shabbat, followed by dinner with the community. Bookings close on Tuesday, so please pay ASAP.

Where: 222 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield

When: 9 November 2012 at 6:30pm

Who:  Under 35s

Cost: $15, please pay by clicking here.

Gemara Shiur: Shira is now hosting a weekly Gemara Shiur. The Shiur will be coordinated by Rob Berkowitz and is suitable for beginners to advanced Gemara learners.  Translations of texts will be available. The Shiur will be held on Tuesdays at 7:45pm at the home of Yaron and Alex (28 Normanby Ave, Caulfield). If you are interested in attending, please email

Posted on November 2, 2012 .

Parshat Lech Lecha

Shabbat: This week we will bring in Shabbat with a joyous Kabbalat Shabbat at our daylight savings time of 6:30pm. Yaron Gottlieb will give his weekly Shiur at 9:15am, which will be followed by Shacharit at 9:45am. The Dvar Torah will be given by Alex Kats.

Muslim Leadership Dinner: Shira will be hosting a Muslim Leadership Program for Kabbalat Shabbat, followed by dinner with the community.

Where: 222 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield

When: 9 November 2012 at 6:30pm

Who:  Under 35s

Cost: $15, please pay by clicking here.

Gemara Shiur: Shira is now hosting a weekly Gemara Shiur. The Shiur will be coordinated by Rob Berkowitz and is suitable for beginners to advanced Gemara learners.  Translations of texts will be available. The Shiur will be held on Tuesdays at 7:30pm at the home of Yaron and Alex (28 Normanby Ave, Caulfield). If you are interested in attending, please email

Shira Tzedaka:  Shira’s campaign for a nurse for the children’s ward of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Malawi has raised $11,145.50! We have closed the campaign for now, but we are sure that we will continue to work with the community. We thank everyone who contributed to the appeal.

Shabbat Shalom 

Posted on October 26, 2012 .

Parshat Noach

Shabbat: This week we will once again commence Kabbalat Shabbat at our daylight savings time of 6:30pm. Yaron Gottlieb will give his weekly Shiur at 9:15am, which will be followed by Shacharit at 9:45am. The Dvar Torah will be given by Brett Nathan.

We wish a Mazal Tov to Dalya Freedman on the occasion of her Bat Mtizvah anniversary. Dalya will be celebrating by leyning from the Torah! The Service will be followed by a Kiddush which is sponsored by Dalya and Ilan Freedman.

Muslim Leadership Dinner: Shira will be hosting  a Muslim Leadership Program  for Kabbalat Shabbat, followed dinner with the community.

Where: 222 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield

When: 9 November 2012 at 6:30pm

Who:  Under 35s

Cost: $15. Please pay by clicking here.

You can find out more about the Muslim Leadership Program here.

Gemara Shiur: Shira is now hosting a weekly Gemara Shiur. The Shiur is being coordinated by Rob Berkowitz and is suitable for beginners to advanced Gemara learners.  Translations of texts are available.  The Shiur will be held on Tuesdays at 7:30pm at the home of Yaron and Alex (28 Normanby Ave, Caulfield). If you are interested in attending or would like to know what we covered last week, please email

Posted on October 19, 2012 .

Parshat Bereshit

This week, we start reading from the begining of the Torah. Be sure to come to shule this week to find out how it all started!

From this week onwards, Kabbalat Shabbat will be held at 6:30pm. Shabbat morning will commence with a Shiur given by Seraphya Berrin at 9:15am, followed by Shacharit at 9:45pm.

A Kiddush Lunch will follow the Service, with Mark Baker interviewing Hagai El-Ad. We are accepting late bookings, so if you would like to attend the lunch, please pay on the website ($20 for adults, $10 for students).

Shira is now hosting a weekly Gemara Shiur. The Shiur will be coordinated by Rob Berkowitz and is suitable for beginners to advanced Gemara learners.  Translations of texts will be available. The Shiur will be held on Tuesdays at 7:30pm at the home of Yaron and Alex (28 Normanby Ave, Caulfield). If you are interested in attending, please email We look forward to seeing you at the inaugural Shiur on Tuesday 16 October.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on October 11, 2012 .

Simchat Torah

Be sure to join us at Shira over Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah!

Shmini Atzeret:

Shacharit will commence at 9:30am on Shmini Atzeret (Monday 8th October) and Yizkor will be held at approximately 11am .

Simchat Torah:

Simchat Torah night (Monday 8th October)

4:30pm - 5:15pm: Program for tots (ages 1-5 y.o.), followed by a dinner of macaroni and cheese. 

6pm-7pm: Simchat Torah themed fair for kids aged 6-13 y.o. A dinner of vegie hotdogs will follow the fair.

7:30pm: Hakafot (for adults and kids).

8:30pm: Theatre Sports and Dessert.

Simchat Torah day (Tueday 9th of October)

Shacharit will commence at 9:30am. We will have aliyot for the whole community, followed by special aliyot for the Chattan Torah, Kallat Bereishit and Kol Hane'arim/Ne'arot (at approximately 11:30am). This year we will be honouring Brett Nathan as Chattan Torah, Pebby Wald as Kallat Bereishit and Lara Lubitz and Ari Faigenbaum as Kol Hane'arim/Ne'arot. The Service will be followed by a special Kiddush which is sponsored by Pebby and Max Wald.

Posted on October 7, 2012 .

Shabbat Chol Hamo'ed Sukkot

Shabbat: We will bring in Shabbat with a melodious Kaballat Shabbat at 6pm. Yaron Gottlieb will begin his weekly Shabbat morning shiur at 9am, which will be followed by Shacharit at 9:30am. We will read Kohelet before leyning, so be sure to be at shule early to discover the meaning of life! Natalie Shnider will give the Dvar Torah.

This week we are celebrating the aufruf of Josh Onas and Romi Dvash. We wish Josh, Romi  and the Dvash and Onas families a Mazal Tov! A l’chaim sponsored by the families will follow the Service.

Shmini Atzeret: Shacharit will commence at 9:30am on Shmini Atzeret (Monday 8th October) and Yizkor will be held at approximately 11am .

Simchat Torah:

Simchat Torah night (Monday, October 8)

4:30pm - 5:15pm: Program for tots (ages 1-5), followed by a dinner of macaroni and cheese. 

6pm-7pm: Simchat Torah themed fair for kids aged 6-13y.o. Dinner will follow the fair.

7:30pm: Hakafot (for adults and kids).

8:30pm: Theatre Sports and Dessert.

Simchat Torah day (Tuesday, October 9):

Shacharit will commence at 9:30am. We will have aliyot for the whole community, followed by special aliyot for the Chattan Torah, Kallat Bereishit and Kol Hane'arim/Ne'arot (at approximately 11:30am). This year we will be honouring Brett Nathan as Chattan Torah and Pebby Wald as Kallat Bereishit. The Service will be followed by a special Kiddush which is sponsored by Pebby and Max Wald.

Kiddush Lunch: Shira will be hosting a Kiddush Lunch next week on Shabbat. Hagai El-Ad will speak following the completion of the Shabbat Service. Hagai is the Executive Director of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) and will talk about his work at ACRI. You can find out more details about Hagai here.

What: Kiddush Lunch, followed by a presentation

When: October 13th following the Service (approximately 12pm).

Where: 222 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield

Cost: Lunch and the presentation will cost $20 for adults and $10 for students. Bookings close on Wednesday so please pay ASAP via Shira’s website.

Tzedaka: Over the last few months we have raised just over $10,000 for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi. We will be sending the money overseas after Simchat Torah, so this is your last chance to donate for now. You can find out more about the appeal and donate here.

Gig: Freydi Mrocki who sang for us on Yom Kippur is in a band Klezmania which has an upcoming gig.

When: Saturday, October 13

Where: The Boite World Music Café: 1 Mark Street, North Fitzroy

Cost: $18 full, $12 concession.

Enquiries: 9417 3550 or

Posted on October 4, 2012 .

Kiddush Lunch with Hagai El-Ad

Shira will be hosting a Kiddush lunch on Shabbat October 13th. Hagai El-Ad will speak following the completion of the Shabbat Service. Hagai is the Executive Director of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) and will talk about his work at ACRI. You can find out more details about Hagai here.

What: Kiddush lunch, followed by a presentation

When: October 13th following the Service (approximately 12pm).

Where: 222 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield

Cost: Lunch and the presentation will cost $20 for adults and $10 for students. Please pay ASAP via Shira’s website.

Posted on October 3, 2012 .


Shabbat: This week we return to our usual space at 222 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield. We will channel the ruach of the Yamim Nora’im at 6pm when we bring ing Shabbat with Kabbalat Shabbat. Yaron Gottlieb will deliver his weekly shiur at 9:15am on Shabbat morning, which will be followed by Shacharit at 9:45am. The Dvar Torah will be given by Benji Prawer.

Sukkot: We will be holding morning Services on the first and second days of Sukkot (Monday 1st September & Tuesday 2nd September). Shacharit will commence at 9:30am both mornings. Don’t forget to bring your Lulav and Etrog!

Mandi Katz and Ashley Browne will be sponsoring a kiddush on the first day of Sukkot in honour of Mandi’s birthday. Mazal tov, Mandi! The Kiddush will be held following the service at Alex Fein and Yaron Gottlieb’s Sukkah (28 Normanby Ave, Caulfield). At the Kiddush, we will be privileged to hear a talk from Chana Yaffe. Chana, who is visiting Melbourne from Israel, will give a talk titled "Tales of a traveling  troubadour."

Simchat Torah: We have organised a full evening of events for adults and children on Monday 8th October. A full rundown of events and services will be outlined in a separate email.

Yamim Nora’im: Thank you to everyone who helped out over the Holidays; whether it was by attending, taking out membership, leading prayers, joining in song or sharing Divrei Torah. If you haven’t already done so, this is a final reminder to take out membership. Please contact Ari if you have any questions.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on September 30, 2012 .