Posts tagged #Shira News

Notice of Annual General Meeting on 29 November


Please take notice that the Annual General Meeting of the Members of Shira Hadasha, Melbourne will take place on Sunday 29 November 2015 at the Shira Premises, 222 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North at 10.30am.


  1. The confirmation of the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 26 February 2014.
  2. The presentation and consideration of the President’s Report.
  3. The presentation and consideration of the Financial Report.
  4. The election of office bearers and members of the Board.
  5. The consideration of any motion of which not less than seven days notice in writing has been received.
  6. General Business.

In accordance with Clause 12.1(b) of the Constitution, nominations are now open for the following office bearers and Board members:

One (1) President for a one year term
One (1) Vice President for a one year term
One (1) Secretary for a one year term
Four (4) members of the Board

Only Financial Members of the Congregation may nominate, second or accept nomination for any of those positions. Nominations must be lodged with the Secretary by email to

Membership can be taken out by clicking here.

Voting at General Meetings, including the Annual General Meeting, by proxy is not allowed under Clause 19 of the Constitution.

Please also note that the Financial Report is available on request and will in any event be discussed at the meeting.

Posted on November 10, 2015 .

Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei — 10 year anniversary & Potluck Dinner

Shira is marking its 10 year anniversary! We would love to see Shira past and present members in Shule this weekend to celebrate.

Kabalat Shabbat - Friday 6.30pm

Join in the Shira tunes this Friday night and stay for the Potluck Dinner. Following the service, we will walk together to the home of one of our members to enjoy Shabbat dinner together.

There is limited space for dinner so please RSVP by Wednesday (11 March) at 9pm. To do this, click here and list what you will contribute.  

Shabbat Shacharit - Saturday 9.45am

On Shabbat morning, you will hear the wise words of Johnny Baker who will deliver the Dvar Torah on the anniversary of his barmitzvah. Please stay for a festive kiddush sponsored by Johnny and to celebrate the highlights of ten years of Shira in Melbourne.

Minyan Roster

To help ensure a minyan promptly on Kabbalat Shabbat and Shabbat morning, we ask members to commit to attending punctually once a month (more would be great). Click onto the link for the relevant minyan over the next two weeks to register your commitment to attend:
This week:
Kabbalat Shabbat 13 March, 6.30pm 
Shabbat Shacharit 14 March, 9.45am
Next Week:
Kabbalat Shabbat 20 March, 6.30pm 
Shabbat Shacharit 21 March, 9.45am

Upcoming Shira Events  

In One Voice

Shira will have a stall at the 'In One Voice' street festival on 15 March. Come and say hi. It would be great to see some friendly faces.


Are you turning Bar or Bat Mitzvah in 2015-2016? Join our unique Bnei Mitzvah Program at Shira for an inspiring and exciting experience! The program is commencing next week. If you are interested in the program please reply to this email.


On March 21, come to Shira to explore the potentials of interfaith dialogue. We will hear presentations by interfaith participants – including our very own Alex Kats! The kiddush will be followed by a lively and engaging discussion. Check out the facebook event here.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on March 9, 2015 .


We hope you are having a good summer, and we look forward to seeing you after our break.

In the meantime, as part of our 2015 planning, we are conducting a very short survey to help us better understand your needs, and the needs of all our community.

The survey only takes 5 minutes to complete, and we would greatly appreciate your feedback, no matter whether you attend Shira once a year or every week.

To take the survey (anonymously if you like), please click here. 

If you have already completed the survey then we thank you for your time.

All the best from all of us at Shira!

Posted on January 4, 2015 .

Seudah Shlishit Series 2014: Jews and Judaism in the Modern World

A Three-Part Series Of Discussions About Modern Jewish Thinkers

We promise food, drinks and lively discussion!

Session 1: Martin Buber’s Secular Religiosity - presented by Ittay Flesher 

Date: November 22, 2014

Time: 4:15pm

Location: 11 Fitzgibbon Crescent, Caulfield North

**Babysitting and entertainment for children included!

Session 2:  Yemima Avital: A Woman as a Modern Hasidic Master – presented by Melanie Landau 

Date: December 6, 2014

Time: 6pm

Location: 14 Airdrie Rd, Caulfield North


Session 3: The Lonely Prophet: Glimpses into the World of Rav Kook - presented by Raphael Dascalu

Date: December 13, 2014

Time: 6:30pm

Location: 6/310 Alma Rd, Caulfield North

For more information, please email Raphael Dascalu:

Posted on November 10, 2014 .

Notice of Annual General Meeting

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Annual General Meeting of the Members of Shira Hadasha, Melbourne will take place on Sunday 7 December 2014 at Shira Premises, 222 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North at 8.00pm. 


  1. The confirmation of the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 26 February 2014.
  2. The presentation and consideration of the President’s Report.
  3. The presentation and consideration of the Financial Report.
  4. The election of office bearers and members of the Board.
  5. The consideration of any motion of which not less than seven days notice in writing has been received.
  6. General Business.

In accordance with Clause 12.1(b) of the Constitution, nominations are now called for the following office bearers and Board members:

         One (1) President for a one year term.
         One (1) Vice President for a one year term.
         One (1) Secretary for a one year term.
         Four (4) members of the Board.

Only Financial Members of the Congregation may nominate, second or accept nomination for any of those positions.  Nominations must be lodged with the Secretary by letter at 9 Eumeralla Rd, South Caulfield, 3162 or by email to

Voting at General Meetings, including the Annual General Meeting, by proxy is not allowed under Clause 19 of the Constitution.

Please note that the Financial Report is available on request and will in any event be discussed at the meeting.

Shavua Tov & have a lovely day,

Shira Melbourne

Posted on November 9, 2014 .

Shule Times, Membership & YouTube!

Shira goes viral! You must see our fabulous and first Youtube video "Stuff people say about Shira" , made by our very talented cast and crew Adam Hyman, Sarah Abramson, Ittay Flescher, Dean Ogden, Ari Perlow, Ant Frosh, Michelle Prawer and Dalit Kaplan.  

Membership: The countdown to Rosh Hashana begins! Thank you again to all those who have taken out membership this year.

We need everyone to contribute by becoming financial members , so that we can keep running such amazing and inspiring services at High Holidays and throughout the year, So whether you are with us every Shabbat, three times a year, or just for the shofar blowing, we ask that you pay for membership here

Times for shule:

All services will be at Theodore Herzl Club at 222 Balaclava Road.

Rosh Hashana 
Both nights: 6pm (including Kabbalat Shabbat)
Both days: 8.15am

Shabbat Shuva 
Kabbalat Shabbat: 6pm
Shabbat: 9.45am, followed by a Sheva Brachot Kiddush for newlyweds Yael Prawer & Josh Back

Yom Kippur 
Kol Nidrei: 6.30pm (doors will open from 6pm, fast commences 6.06pm)
Day: 8.15am
Yizkor: approx 12noon
Mincha: 4.30pm

Wishing you a shana tova umetukah — a sweet happy and healthy New Year!

Posted on September 23, 2014 .

High Holy Days At Shira

The Shira community warmly welcomes you to join us for the chagim. If you've been with us before, you'll know that Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are true highlights of the year at Shira. If you're new to our community, we can't wait to have you with us! 

By popular demand, we're bringing back the wonderful husband-wife duo, Avram Mlotek and Yael Kornfield from New York! They'll be leading our musically-inspired services, just as they did so beautifully last year.

It is time to renew your membership at Shira for the coming year. For many years we have had an open door policy without set seats. There are many people who come without paying membership, which makes it unfair for those families who honour our open system by taking out membership. As a Board, we have decided to maintain our values to a non-hierarchical system that is open to all. But we want to emphasise the word honour: your membership covers the huge cost of maintaining a shul in all its dimensions. We ask everyone therefore to take out membership before Rosh Hashana.

We have maintained our membership structure at similar rates to previous years making it affordable for students and families. For those who can afford more, please take out the higher level of membership by adding a donation. If you can’t afford our fees, then let us know. No one in our shul will ever be turned away or made to feel unwelcome.

By renewing your membership, you are supporting the only inclusive Orthodox minyan in Melbourne where both women and men are active participants in the service.

Your membership will also enable our shul to grow and thrive in the coming years, and help us to provide exciting new projects such as employing our new Education Director, Raf Descalu.

Children of all ages love Yom Tov at Shira - our amazing educators bring these chagim to life through puppetry, song, stories and morning tea, with a creative space set up to the theme "What a Wonderful World", for the 0-6 year olds. We also have a Shira Kids Club for 7-12 year olds, exploring New Year themes in a creative and fun way.  All programs will be run by qualified madrichim (leaders) and educators. Your contribution to children's memberships is invaluable.

Your generosity is what makes our shul work. 

Please click here to apply for/renew your membership online.

Thanks so much, and Shana Tovah!

Posted on August 19, 2014 .

Shabbat Chol Hamoed & Pesach at Shira

We hope your seders were liberating and joyful and you are still enjoying your matzah!

This Shabbat we read the beautiful Shir HaShirim (Song of Songs), please join us for an intimate rendition of this classic text.  We also read the haunting story of the Valley of the Dry Bones from Ezekial in this week's Haftarah.  We look forward to seeing you at 9.15am this Shabbat (please note this week's earlier time to allow for the additional reading).  Kabbalat Shabbat is on at 6pm this week.

Pesach times are otherwise as follows:

21 April (Day 7): 9.30am, Dvar Torah by Merav Carmeli; and 22 April (Day 8): 9.30am, Yizkor is approximately 11.3oam.

Save the date!  On 3 May, we will have a very special Shabbat Kiddush panel in honour of Yom Ha'atzmaut - details to follow.

Chag Sameach & Shabbat Shalom!

Posted on April 17, 2014 .

Sukkot at Shira

Thank you so much to everyone who joined us for the chaggim, it was great to have so many people singing and praying together. 

If anyone would still like to make a donation to the shul or take out membership, you can do so. The gates of heaven may have shut till next year, but Shira's doors stay open year round!

A copy of Ittay Flescher's Neila drasha can be found on our blog.

Kol Nidrei Appeal: We have chosen to support Jewish Aid for our Kol Nidrei appeal.   The appeal will support The Isaiah Fellowship's - Action Project Fund.  Donations (which are fully tax deductible) can be made on the link below. Please write that your donation is in honour of the Shira appeal. To donate, click here.


Day 1 and Day 2: 9.15am. Thanks to Alex and Yaron for hosting the kiddush in your sukkah!

Friday night Kab Shab: 6pm 

Shabbat morning: shiur 9.15am and shul 9.45am. We are delighted to celebrate the engagement of Sarah Meyer and Ari Brochin. A kiddush will be held at the Tamir sukkah following the tefillah - all are invited!

Shmini Atzeret: 9.15am

Simchat Torah day: 9.15am

Kids program for Simchat Torah: Thursday 26th at 4.30pm including dinner (1-5 year olds)
Hakafot for Simchat Torah - Thursday 26th at 7.30pm

Chag Sameach!


Posted on September 18, 2013 .

Yom Kippur

Thanks so much to all who joined us on Rosh Hashana and made it such a special experience. We look forward to seeing you on Yom Kippur. We really appreciate everyone who took the time to renew membership or make a donation to support us over the coming year.  

Shira's doors are always open, and all are invited to daven with us. Remember to come to 222 Balaclava Rd, not the bowls club.

Kol Nidrei: Doors open 6.15pm, for a 6.30pm start. Fast begins at 5.51pm

Shacharit: 9am
Yizkor and Drasha (approximately) 11.15am but please come earlier to avoid missing it

Mincha: 4.30pm
Neilah: 5.15pm
Fast ends: 6.48pm

Membership renewal, or a donation in an amount of your choosing, can be done on our website.

Wishing you a Gmar V'Chatima Tova and a wonderful year ahead

Shira Melbourne

Posted on September 12, 2013 .

Shul Times for Yom Tovs

There is just over a week to go until Rosh Hashana. We noticed that you have not paid your Shira membership for 2013. If you're planning on coming to Shira, we request that membership be paid. Whether you are with us every Shabbat, three times a year or just for the shofar blowing, we need everyone to contribute by becoming financial members so that we can keep providing such amazing High Holy days services, and keep running throughout the year.

You can pay online for your membership, or make a donation, though paypal or a credit card, or direct transfer. Details are here:

Rosh Hashana
Both nights: 6pm
Both days: 8.15am

Yom Kippur:
Kol Nidrei: 6.30pm (doors open from 6.15pm)
Yom Kippur day: 9am
Mincha: 4.30pm
Neila: 5.15pm

Wishing you a shana tova umetukahfrom everyone at Shira!

Posted on August 26, 2013 .

High Holidays at Shira

The Shira community warmly welcomes you to join us for the Chagim. If you've been with us before, you'll know that Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are true highlights of the year at Shira. If you're new to our community, we can't wait to have you with us!

By popular demand, we're bringing back the wonderful husband-wife duo, Avram Mlotek and Yael Kornfield! They'll be leading our Carlebach-inspired services, just as they did so beautifully in 2011. They will also be holding a concert in Yiddish while they are here - more details on that soon.

There are some exciting changes at Shira this year. We will hold our davening at our year-round premises, theTheodore Herzl Club, rather than the bowls club. This will afford us lots more space, so that we can have ample seats for all. Up on the secured rooftop we will have a marquee available for the children's services, and a place for you to go and relax during breaks.

It is time to renew your membership at Shira for the coming year. 

By renewing your membership, you are supporting the only inclusive Orthodox minyan in Melbourne where both women and men are active participants and song permeates the service. Your generosity is what makes our shul work. Donations to Shira are greatly needed and tremendously appreciated.

Please click here to renew your membership online.

Thanks very much!


Posted on July 28, 2013 .

Jewish Muslim Gathering

As part of the Muslim Leadership Program study tour about religions in Australia, the participants in the program were welcomed to Shira on Friday the 9th of November. The MLP is a unique 36 day training course that aims to support leaders who can speak clearly and confidently about the various issues which confront people of Islamic faith in Australia and Southeast Asia today, and who can actively participate in shaping the region's future.

The evening began with a Q&A about Jewish beliefs and rituals followed by a joyful Kabbalat Shabbat service. Before Maariv, Yardena Prawer delivered a beautiful welcome message in Arabic, after which MLP participant Shahir Naga delivered a talk about the significance of the book of the Psalms and the Torah in the Islamic religion.

This is a reflection on the evening from Netzer Bogeret Lia Avisar.

“It wasn't a surprise for me that the two cultural groups at the dinner found plenty of things in common and got along so well. We are all individuals after all. I was however impressed by everyone's willingness and openness to question and share, with what seemed like such ease and comfort.

Once the Kabbalat Shabbat service ended, the group of Muslims invited us to observe Maghrib, their evening prayer. One of the Muslim women I particularly bonded with answered all my curious questions about some of the rituals we saw them perform. After sharing and comparing various rituals and customs from our respective religions and their streams, we both came to realise that the 'correctness' of a ritual or custom ultimately lies in the individual’s religiosity and their connection with the customAll the best or tradition.

Throughout the dinner, we continued to chitchat and laugh – she shared with me photos of her children and I shared with her photos of my pets! It was a lovely evening overall. Plus, Ittay’s icebreaker games were a hit! I left feeling as though stereotypes were slashed, preconceived ideas were challenged, and great new bonds were made. I hope this event will become an annual ‘tradition’ for both groups, and inspire others to open their doors and do the same.”

Posted on November 15, 2012 .

Jewish Museum Course

Shiranik Yvonne Fein will be running a course at the Jewish Museum. You can find out the details below.

The Bad, the Bold and the Beautiful: Heroes and Harlots in the Bible

Yvonne Fein – Author, editor and playright

A cast of thousands, a complex plot line, the greatest story ever written! Over eight weeks, we will explore the stories behind the stories in the Torah, including those about Lot and his daughters, Esther and Mordechai, David and Jonathan, to name just a few. These fabulously flawed biblical characters will come to life upon the pages of source-materials they never handed out to you in school. As a class, we will ponder some of the great human dilemmas — good and evil, right and wrong and that fragile membrane which separates the sacred from the profane. When these biblical narratives are placed alongside ancient, mediaeval and contemporary commentaries, they extend an irresistible invitation: ‘Come inside,’ they say  ‘Come inside, like the scholars of old,  and examine the timeless and the universal , the humanity of our ancestors.’

Monday afternoon 12.45pm - 3. 00pm

(8 week course commencing October 15) at the Jewish Museum 26 Alma Road St.Kilda

Code: MA4/YF 

For more details see short courses OR contact Leah (see below)

Enrolments  for all courses need to be received by September 24th

Leah Justin/ Short courses coordinator Jewish Museum of Australia 26 Alma Road / PO Box 117 St Kilda Victoria 3182 Direct +61 3 8534 3625 / Telephone +61 3 8534 3600 Facsimile +61 3 9534 0844 Availability Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Posted on September 7, 2012 .

Membership 2012

It's that time of year again, when we come together to celebrate and contemplate. 

Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are around the corner, and this year we will once again be filling the Caulfield Park Bowls Club with our songs and prayers. 

It's essential that everyone who attends pays membership before the sounding of the Shofar in two weeks time. 

Please take out your membership this week and consider giving more so that our community can continue to flourish.

We look forward to seeing you in the park with our two chazzanim who we are bringing out from Jerusalem.

Shana Tova on behalf of the Shira Melbourne community,

Mark Baker

Posted on September 3, 2012 .

Parshat Vayeshev (Shira Holidays)

Beatles Themed Kabbalat Shabbat: Hey Jude... and Lovely Rita.. and you too Lucy, up in the sky... everyone is welcome to tonight's Beatles Themed Kabbalat Shabbat at 6.30pm.This is going to be a really fun night, and our last Friday night of 2011.  Come, bring your friends, bring your family, your blackbird, your yellow submarine..... see you on time at 6.30pm!

On Shabbat we start at 9.30am - please be punctual to help our Minyan start! The Drasha will be given by Yvonne Fein in honour of the upcoming yohrzeit of her late mother z'l. Shira has been so fortunate to have great speakers each week, who give of their time and learning to benefit our community. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered, be it giving a Drash or running the Service and Torah Leyning, making chulent or working behind the scenes in the past year - we appreciate it! We could not run without you!

Kiddush: We are delighted to share in birthday celebrations for Brett Nathan, who is sponsoring our Kiddush, topped off with cheesecake for the occasion. Brett, we wish you Mazal Tov, and thank you for ending our year in such a sweet and decadent way!

Ending 2011: As you may have realized, Shabbat at Shira is drawing to a close for 2011, giving you a break to visit other shules and go on holidays, and to remember why you love coming to Shira so much!!

Starting 2012: We start afresh on January 28th 2012,  after Australia Day - look out for email reminders. There are great new things to look forward to in the coming year - changes to our website, a new 'interactive shmooze' on our blog and of course lots of Simchas and Celebrations.

If you would like to book in Kiddush or Drash in 2012 for a Simcha, a Bar/Batmi anniversary, a birthday, a yohrzeit etc, please be in touch via email. We are also looking for people to volunteer for giving Sermons in the coming year - so be in touch if there's a Parsha you love!

Shira Babies: Do you have a spare nappy change table to donate to Shira? Perhaps your grandkids are done with it? Our growing baby population has made this a necessity for next year. Please email if you can help us out (ideally a fold-away variety!)

While we're away...

DAVENING IN THE PARK organised by Yaron Gottlieb

DATE: Friday 23rd December

TIME: 6.30pm

PLACE: Caulfield Park (by the bridges over the pond where the ducks and geese also congregate to sing)

Yaron will answer any inquiries and can be reached on or 0438 554 190      

If it’s raining, Yaron and Alex would be delighted to welcome you to their home at 28 Normanby Ave, off Inkerman Rd, right opposite the park.

Shira at The Movies: Shira is going to watch ' Footnote' (Israel's official entry to the Academy Awards Best Foreign Language Film) on Thursday, 23rd February, 7pm. Ticket: $15, contributing to a fundraiser for Jewish Aid Australia. To book, please transfer $15 per ticket to Shira's account (Account name: Shira Hadasha, BSB: 013 445, Account Number: 4978 30199, and write Footnote and your name) or use PayPal on our website. Take a look at the trailer here. It's a great film! 

Posted on December 16, 2011 .

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Please note that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Members of Shira Hadasha, Melbourne will take place on Wednesday, 7th December 2011 at Shira Premises, 222 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North at 8:00 pm.


  • The confirmation of the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 9th December 20010.
  • The presentation and consideration of the President’s Report.
  • The presentation and consideration of the Financial Report.
  • The election of office bearers and members of the Board.
  • The consideration of any motion of which not less than seven days notice in writing has been received.
  • General Business.

Posted on November 10, 2011 .

In the News

Our lovely High Holy Day chazzanim, Ilana and Mishael, have been profiled in the Jewish News!
Read more

Posted on September 6, 2010 .

Tree of Souls

Before you sit down for Friday night chicken soup, why not come and sing your hearts out at Shira?

This Friday evening, we're launching a new part of the tefilla: a five minute drasha to be given by different people engaged in Tikkun Olam — activities that fulfil the Jewish command to heal the world. Come and hear Sibella Stern tell us how her holiday took her to Indonesia, where she did her part to improve the local residents' circumstances in the aftermath of two earthquakes. Tefilla begins promptly at 6:30 pm.

This Shabbat we celebrate Tu Bishvat, the Festival of Trees, and we'll hear a special drasha by Nathan Wolski on the topic we've all been waiting for: The Theology of Avatar and the Tree of Souls. Services begin at 9:30 am.

Pandora’s Tree of Souls

Bring your kids to the new children’s fun-minyan run by enthusiastic Israel returnees, Helen Lewitan and Rachel Tamir (starts 10:30 am).

The kiddush this Shabbat is sponsored by Lindy Tamir in honour of her Bat Mitzvah anniversary. Mazal tov!

Mazal tov also to Steven Prawer and Bella Hiler on their birthdays this week.

Last but not least, we'd like to welcome back Yaakov and Marion Gorr who have just returned from India, where they partnered with low-income villagers to produce profitable fair-trade embroidery.

Shabbat shalom

Posted on January 27, 2010 .

Kids at Shira

Don’t hesitate to bring your children with you on Saturdays, as we have a new and improved kids’ program run by Helen Lewitan and Rachel Tamir. See you there!

Posted on January 25, 2010 .